Privacy is having the ability to control who can see information about your private life and your doings. Everyone has privacy rights and it’s important that these rights are followed.
Why are privacy rights important?
Prevents the government from spying on people without reason
The government job is to protect its people, which means following privacy rights. It can be hard but they have to balance out the act between security, freedom of speech, surveillance and privacy rights. By following privacy rights, they cannot spy on people, unless they have a reason to do so.
Keeps people from using your private data
Your private data can get into the wrong hands and this can be a bad thing since it can be used without your knowledge. People have had personal data from their social media taken and used for things you never intended it to be used for. For example, you could have written something on your Facebook then someone takes it and puts it on their website. Now what you wrote is out there for people to see that you have no control over. With privacy rights this means that groups can’t take your private data without your consent. Facebook, google and other companies store your data, but they cannot use it however they want as privacy rights prevent this.
Ensures that those who misuse/steal data are held responsible
As privacy is a basic human right there are consequences for those who do not follow the rights to privacy and those who disrespect it. There are a lot of examples of how someone may use your data but privacy rights are there to protect you from the misuse of your data. Without the restrictions companies and the government are likely to steal and use data without having to pay any consequences. That is why privacy rights are important for your privacy.

Helps with social boundaries
Having privacy rights allows you to have control over who you want to see and know about you on social media. Having the right to create boundaries is important for your relationships as well as your career. Your personal information is kept on your social media and this makes it complicated. This is why privacy rights ensure that social media offers you security features making it easier for you to control who does and doesn’t see it.
Helps building trust
Privacy rights allow you to have trust in people like doctors or people at your bank. Your personal data that is given to your doctor and bank can only be seen and used by people you agree to. This allows you to feel confident and have trust in these people. It helps knowing that there will be consequences if they break that trust.
Allows freedom of speech and thought
Privacy rights ensure that you can have freedom of speech and thought without all knowing about it. Without these rights everything you say and do could be monitored and tracked. Privacy rights allows you to keep your private life and work life separate meaning what you say in private will not affect your work life. It protects your ability to say and think without the fear of everyone seeing and knowing.
You can freely engage in politics
When you cast your vote privacy rights allow this to be confidential meaning no one will know who you vote for. It is under your control whether or not you decide to tell people who you voted for although you are not required to tell anyone. Also it lets you act on your opinion on politics without judgement or fear. This is important as everyone including families have different worldviews. It also protects you from losing your job over your political views and opinions. You can’t control what people think and feel about you but you can control how much they know about you. You can share as much or as little as you’re comfortable with.
It protects your reputation
Everyone has posted something on social media that we regret as a result this could come back to ruin your reputation. Privacy rights helps protect you and allows you to have the control to get certain information removed. By filling a request, you can get your personal information removed from the internet. This is addressed under the ‘right to be forgotten’ law.

How can lack of privacy affect mental health?
Increased stress and anxiety
Lack of privacy can lead to stress and anxiety, for example having posts on your social media for everyone to see if you can’t control who sees this then this could cause anxiety. Maybe you have a new job and you’re stressed or anxious in case they see something you don’t want them to see. This can be stressful as you scroll down trying to delete things you want to be private. People send emails everyday, some private emails, the fear of these getting out is enough to cause stress and anxiety.
Losing your privacy can lead to you becoming fearful of your opinions and thoughts offending people. This fear can lead those people to conform to other people’s thoughts, culture and beliefs. This can affect their ability to develop their own beliefs and thoughts.
Effects on relationships
Fear of being watched and monitored can cause people to hold back on their true feelings. This can Cause them to not show their feelings with each other. This can affect your personal relationships changing the dynamics of it. For example, some may choose not to complement another in fear of it being taken out of context; this can affect trust. Without privacy relationships may not have trust and trust is a big opponent in healthy relationships.
Affect fun and laughter
Everyone has a different sense of humour, for example some may tell jokes that others may take offence to. Without privacy this can affect the fun and laughter as you become too scared to say anything that may offend someone. Having friends that you can joke around with is good. This is until you fear the lack of privacy and fear that anything you say or do can be seen and heard by anyone.