There are a lot of reasons as to why people wear makeup, it may be to impress love interests or to simply make yourself feel better. In today’s times it’s very common for makeup to be worn by both females and male. Why do people wear it and what effect does it have on their mental health?
Modern culture
A lot of women feel they need to wear makeup to fit into public image. A bit like how thin models have the effect on women and cause them to want to lose weight and sometimes lead to eating disorders. When you’re out and everyone is wearing makeup, it may make you feel you need to wear it. Some work places for example bartending they may ask that you wear some makeup to keep a public image. Some people believe that women who wear makeup on the job tend to earn better tips. This can make you think you need to wear makeup in order to receive better money.
These things can have an effect on your mental health as you’re expected to wear makeup but are they expecting this of your male co-workers? You may feel pressured to wear makeup when seeing how many people actually wear it. Also, if you feel your workplace is giving people that wear makeup promotions it can impact your mind. It can make you feel as though you need to wear it in order to get that promotion to. When you think about people like waitresses and air hostesses, can you imagine them without makeup? Do they wear it because they want to or maybe they just feel they need to?
Wearing makeup when you have mental health issues
Wearing makeup is your choice whether you want to or not is a personal choice you should make. Although those who struggle with their mental health may find that their mental health impacts their choice on wearing makeup. Some people with mental health struggles find they are more depressed and moodier when they don’t feel they look ‘perfect’. They get it in their head that without makeup they don’t look good so they feel the only way to look and feel good is to wear makeup. It may help to go a week or so without wearing makeup. Doing this could help you feel more confident in your skin. Also get you used to seeing your face bare but still beautiful.
Do you find yourself getting stressed or feeling anxiety over things like makeup running out or not having enough time to put makeup on before you head out? This may indicate that it is not having a good effect on your confidence and mental health. This may be the time you need to cut down on makeup and allow yourself to build your confidence without makeup. It is never good when you feel you need to wear makeup to love yourself. It is concerning if you also feel the need to spend all your money on makeup products and leave yourself without money for other things.

How makeup can improve your mental health
Although makeup can negatively affect your metal health it also can help positively with your mental health. If you’re using makeup reasonably it can have great benefits on your mental health. People use makeup to help them feel a sense of control and self-care. It can help with anxiety; some people may find that when they are stressed and anxious make up helps them. This could be by doing their makeup. It brings them into the present moment and may find it relaxing. They find that doing their makeup is therapeutic and can help with anxiety and clearing their mind.
When you feel you look good it can make you feel good, it can boost your mood and confidence. Those who suffer from depression may find that doing their makeup makes them feel good and can get them out of that depressive state. Those who struggle to get up out of bed may find that getting up and having a shower plays a positive role in their recovery.
Not only can makeup become a part of your daily routine but some actually class it as their hobby. Hobbies are good for your mental health as it gives you something to do and look forward to. Hobbies are a good way to distract yourself when you feel your mind is in overdrive. Those with makeup as a hobby can sit and watch makeup tutorials and practice on themselves or others. This allows your mind something to think about other than your worries and stress.
Makeup can give people the confidence and self-esteem to get up and out when they are feeling low and lacking self-esteem. It also provides a fun outlet for you to express yourself. Makeup also helps those who suffer from insecurities. For example, someone with a birthmark on their face may feel insecure and not want people to see it. By using makeup, they can cover the insecurities and feel confident enough to go out in public. Without makeup they may sit in the house and not want to go out and socialise which as a result affects their mental health.
Doing your makeup routine can give you some me time that you need, you may feel your life is quite go, go, go and stressful. By doing your makeup it can give you that bit of down time and quiet time that you need to just refresh your mind. It can give you time to sit and prepare yourself for the day ahead. It can help those with anxiety feel they have control over what they are doing and how they want it to look. If makeup is what makes you happy then who’s to say you shouldn’t be wearing it? As long as you feel it has a positive impact on your mental health then go for it. Just don’t let it negatively affect the way you see yourself.