Workplace bullying is continuous mistreatment from others at work. Workplace bullying can cause tension and a hostile work environment. Being bullied at work should not be something that you should have to deal with, as the workplace should be a friendly and safe environment for everyone.
Types of workplace bullying.
Workplace bullying can happen through different actions and through different types of media including; face to face, email, phone, letters.
Here are some examples of bullying at work:
- Verbal abuse
- Discriminatory jokes
- Unfair treatment
- Being denied equal opportunities
- Exclusion
- Spreading rumours

What effects can this have?
Workplace harassment can have many negative effects on an individual’s mental and physical wellbeing and can have negative effects on everyone in the workplace.
Dealing with constant mistreatment at work can have a negative impact on work and home life. This can also cause a strain in relationships with colleagues and family. It can also make a person want to withdraw from workplace activities, events and tasks.
The effects it can have on a person’s mental health include; increased risk of depression and anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, lack of motivation, low self-esteem and decreased performance.
Some physical side effects include; panic attacks, high blood pressure and headaches.
If a situation at work is causing problems to a mental and physical health, then it should be taken seriously and actions should be taken to get it resolved.
What should I do?
It is important to take harassment seriously as it can have serious repercussions. Do not be afraid to talk to anyone about the struggles you are facing and how it has affected you, this can also encourage others to speak up about any similar issues they have had to deal with.
Some measures to take to help resolve this issue are to try and talk to the individuals causing the distress, if this is unsuccessful then it could be dealt with formally.
This includes talking to:
- Human resources department (HR)
- The manager
- Trade union representative
Legal action could also be taken at an employment tribunal
Contact ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) helpline for advice.
Helpline: 0300 123 1100
Schedule a call:
Know your rights!
It is illegal to discriminate against protected characteristics under the equality act 2010.
This includes
- Gender
- Race
- Age
- Sexual orientation
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage or civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Disability
- Religion and belief