Mental Wellbeing Network

Video games and mental health

Video gaming is one of the most known things to do as a hobby. Roughly around 80-90% of the population play video games either through consoles, pcs, or even on their phones. Video games can be scary, based on war, puzzles, or creating and building. People play video games because it can be fun and you also can make many friends through the online world of gaming whether it is because you stream it on a platform or you play with cooperative games.  

Video games

What are video games?

To put it simply, a video game is an electronic game that you can play on devices such as consoles, pc, mobile phones, and other handheld devices. You can play using a controller, a joystick, touchscreen, etc. there are many ways to play.  

How do video games help mental health?

Video games are fun and exciting! Some are relaxing and some are scary. But video games have a great way to help with mental health and a lot of people may not understand that so here I have made a list of how video games can help mental health: 

video games and mental health. Person gaming on PC

There are much more than video games can offer in terms of mental health! Besides, it being fun and exciting. Video games can be a way for someone to escape from their real-life issues for just a couple of hours in the day. They can make friends online, find and learn new things. 

How do video games affect mental health?

Although video games can be fun and help you with your mental health, there are days when they can affect your mental health. The effects can be small and to cope with that we can simply say to take a break from gaming for the day. Here are some ways that video games can affect your mental health: 

Video games are very stimulating which in return can cause many negative feelings and effects to the brain and this can affect your mental health. It may worsen mental health issues that a person may already have. 

How can video games affect the brain?

Video games are mentally stimulating for the brain. They can help in many ways with things like memory and focus. However, can also have negative effects that may affect your mood or behaviour and this isn’t just for people with mental illness but can affect everyone. 

How can video games affect the brain positively?

Video games are good for all ages of people when it comes to helping with memory, focus, or teaching new things. Children can learn a lot through spelling games, teaching them to read or write. Teenagers-adults can enhance their focus and also boost their social skills using video games which can then be passed on in real-life activities such as school or work. This can affect the way you think and help you to interact with a new way of thinking. 

How can video games affect the brain negatively?

Video games can be the cause of some mental illnesses but it is rare that this can happen because video games are a hobby. Mostly video games can affect your mental illness by how the certain game makes you feel. Besides all that though, video games can cause negative effects on your brain and your well-being. You can get addicted and some video games can cause gambling addictions such as casino games or gacha games. If you want to enhance focus and concentration, gaming for too long can decrease that. Video gaming is meant to be a hobby but if it is affecting you negatively you should maybe focus on having a break or scheduling your time playing. 

Can you use video gaming to help your mental health?

In conclusion, I believe you can use video games to help your mental health. There are many people who have mental illness who have confirmed that gaming has helped them positively. People with ADHD may find some games a way of keeping calm and relaxed. Those with anxiety and depression may find that gaming is a good way to help bring positive emotion. Gaming is a good hobby as long as you don’t overdo it. You can find you’ll enjoy it if you schedule your time on video games so you don’t become addicted and to ensure that gaming remains a positive experience for you. If you feel that video games have affected your mental health, take a break for a while, and speak to your GP. 

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