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Video Game addiction

With the advancement of technology, gaming has become huge within the past couple of decades. It has so many people invested, that the gaming industry is estimated to be worth $300 billion, which is a huge amount of money. Even when we look at platforms that are mainly used to stream gaming content, such as Twitch. Usage statistics show us it has gone from 1 million in 2018 to 2.84 million in 2021. This shows us that gaming is only going to get bigger, especially with new consoles and tech being released throughout the upcoming years.

Gaming can be seen as a great form of entertainment for most people, but excessive use of gaming can cause unhealthy problems for users. Many adults and children get addicted to video games, which can be problematic when there are other priorities on the line, such as work or education. Up to 0.3% to 1% of the population within the UK, US Canada and Germany match the diagnosis for video game addiction. This means the issue is only going to become more prevalent, even so, how can you address gaming addiction?

What is video game addiction?

Video game addiction is characterized by excessive use of video games. People suffering with this may have strained relationships or problems in other areas of their lives, such as work. They might not even enjoy gaming, but could still be playing it as a product of habit. This can be very similar to any form of addiction, even substance abuse. Gamers can suffer, by using the video game as a form of escapism from their problems. Moreover, playing video games causes social isolation, which can make it difficult for the gamer to socialize if they have isolated themselves for a long time.


The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), notes that to be diagnosed with internet gaming addiction, it must cause impairment or distress in multiple ways of the user’s life.  The symptoms are:

To fit the criteria, you must have at least 5 of these symptoms. This can apply with any electronic device related to gaming, even though it’s focused-on internet gaming. If you’re looking out for someone, it can be easy to get gaming addiction mixed up with someone who is optimistic about it. You must see if them laying games has put strain in other areas of their life. Gaming addiction will usually result in problems with family or work. Regardless, if you think a peer, has a gaming addiction, you should try asking them about it. Research has found gaming addiction can cause similar differences in the brain as substance addiction.

Who does it usually affect?

Gaming addiction can occur with anyone, however, but when we look at the statistics in the UK, the most represented groups of gamers were between the ages of 13 to 25. Following that group were between the ages of 25 to 34. The gaming audiences for online gaming in the UK is 60% for males and 43% which had increased by 20% for females from the years prior.

How can it occur?

As we established, gaming has become wildly more popular over the past couple of years. Moreover, multiplayer games have become some of the most addicted types of games, but why is this the case? With the range of genres and platforms you can play on, it has become something that most people can enjoy. Fast-paced games can be easy to grab your attention. With a competitive online community, it encourages users to spend hours improving their skills.

Other genres can have the same effect. When we look at online games such as MMORPGs, players are thrown into a huge world with content that is always being updated and a levelling system that can take years to complete. As a result, players will ‘grind’ extensively, trying their best to improve their character. This can be great for people on hand as it can become a way to make friends or start a career, unfortunately there are many people who become addicted as a result.

Ties to mental health

Gaming addiction can be a symptom of another underlying issue. You may be gaming excessively because you’re suffering with anxiety or depression. A study looking at mobile gaming addiction found that participants who were addicted had a positive correlation between loneliness, social anxiety, and depression.  They suggested that this could possibly be down to social isolation due to gaming. Gaming addiction can target all ages as well. But younger people, especially males, can be more at risk, as they reported higher social anxiety in the study.

Recommendations for treatment

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