Everyone has moments in their life when they feel down about themselves and don’t quite feel like their best. This could be because of stress, lack of motivation, anxiety, or low mood. In this scenario, you are left with two questions to ask yourself “Am I going to let these difficult times keep me feeling down? Or will I search for ways to help me feel better?”. To help you during these difficult times, this article will outline some of the steps that you could take.
Count your blessings
When you’re feeling down you will find that you focus only on the negatives in your life which can leave you feeling a lot worse. In this particular moment it may be difficult to see but we all have many things to be thankful for. The next time you feel this way take a minute to think about the good things in your life. By giving yourself a moment to focus on these positives it will help you train your mind to see the positives in any situation.
Positive People
You have to be considerate of the people you call your friends or socialise with as they can have a significant impact on the way you feel. If you spend your time with negative people or those who are constantly in a bad mood, then chances are these people will start to drag you down. However, by surrounding yourself with positive people they are more likely to lift you up when you’re feeling down and encourage you to reach your goals.
Passion Project
What everyone has experienced at some point in their life is having something you have always wanted to try. However, we constantly put ourselves off by making up an excuse like, we do not have enough time for it. The very reason that you are feeling this way at the moment is why should take the decision to start it now as you can give yourself something to cheer you up.

Take a break
In the event that you start feeling exhausted, stressed or burnt out the best thing you can do is to just walk away from what you are doing for a few minutes. This allows you to have some time to occupy your mind with something else whether it’s listening to music, getting some fresh air or just finding somewhere quiet to sit down. When you return to work you are refreshed, more focused and attentive.
Exercise can be an effective way to boost you mood, especially when you are feeling down. This is because when you go for a run, you can put your headphones in and tune out the rest of the world along with all your problems and feelings. This can improve your mood as when exercising your body releases endorphins which trigger a positive feeling in the body.
Talk to a friend
When you have negative thoughts in your mind and they are allowed to build up without being challenged they can go from you feeling down about a single moment to affecting every part of your life. Talking through these feelings with a friend, family member or loved one can help you put those thoughts into perspective.