Mental Wellbeing Network

Tips for dealing with stressful events.

Stress is normal in small doses, everyone will feel stressed at some point in their life. It can be handled well in small doses but once it is out of control it can becomes chronic stress. This can affect all parts of an individual including their behaviour, physical and mental state.

Different life events with positive and negative outcomes can cause stress but keeping it to a minimum can prevent mental and physical health issues.

The effects of chronic stress

Prolonged stress can impact your health with some effects being long lasting. Ways stress can affect your physical health include.

Coping with stress

Stress can happen with any situation but ways to help lower your stress levels can be simple. Spending time with family and friends can lower your stress levels. Getting enough sleep, practicing calming techniques like yoga or deep breathing can also relieve your stress levels. Exercise and taking time out to enjoy the things you like to do will also lower your stress levels.

With specific events in life doing these tips can help but you may need to do more. Events like getting married, having a baby, moving house, divorce and a job loss will need extra care as these events can cause chronic stress.

Getting married

Marrying the one you love is meant to be a beautiful time for you and your loved ones around you. On the day everything is perfect but the months leading up to it can be horribly stressful.

Ways to keeping stress levels low when planning a wedding can include

Having a baby

Moving house


A job loss

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