The thyroid gland is an organ in the front of the neck. It is shaped like a butterfly and wraps around the windpipe. The thyroid produces hormones that control some functions of your body. Thyroid disease is when your thyroid gland is not working properly, and this can affect your whole body. When your thyroid produces too much hormone it can cause you to develop hyperthyroidism. When it produces too little hormone you can develop hypothyroidism. These conditions can be profoundly serious and will need to be treated by your doctor.
The hormone that your thyroid releases control your metabolism, metabolism is where your food intake is turned into energy. This energy is used by your body to keep all your body systems working correctly. When someone has thyroid disease it means their thyroid is not working the way it should, it may be producing too much or too little of the hormone your body needs.
- Anxiety
- Mood swings
- Sleeping difficulties
- Swelling in your neck
- Tiredness
- Weight loss
- Fast heart rate
- Sensitive to heat
- Eye irritation
- Weight gain
- Sensitive to cold
- Dry skin
- Muscle aches
- Tiredness
- Depression
- Heavy menstrual periods
- Hair loss/breakage
Causes and risk factors
Thyroid disease can affect people also it can affect infants and teenagers. It can develop at any age, and some can be born with it. Although you may be at higher risk of developing it if you have a family history of thyroid disease. You may also be at risk if you have a medical condition, take medication that is high in iodine, if you are older than 60 especially women and if you have had treatment for a past thyroid condition or cancer.
There are some conditions that you could have that could lead to developing one of the thyroid diseases. Conditions that can cause hypothyroidism,
- Thyroiditis
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
- Iodine deficiency
- Postpartum thyroiditis
- A thyroid gland that is non-functioning

Conditions that can cause hyperthyroidism,
- Graves’ disease
- Nodules
- Thyroiditis
- Excessive Iodine
In addition, those who have type 1 diabetes may be at higher risk of developing a thyroid disease than those who don’t have diabetes. Also, those with type 2 diabetes are also at risk but the risk is lower than those with type 1. Those with type 1 diabetes may have to have regular testing for thyroid issues. It is recommended every year or so you get tested.
Thyroid and mental health
Having a thyroid disease can influence your mental health as it affects your mood and your emotions. The 2 types of thyroid problems can have different effects on your mental health. Overactive thyroid can leave you with feelings of anxiety, things like feeling nervous, heart racing and trembling. An underactive thyroid can lead to depression, leaving you with low mood, difficulty sleeping, finding it difficult to enjoy your normal activities and feeling sadness. Also, underactive thyroid can lead to anxiety. It can be from the thyroid condition itself as a symptom or develop from the worries of the condition.
Sometimes thyroid conditions can be disguised with anxiety or depression, this is because the symptoms can be similar and can be confusing for some. Although thyroid conditions may be the cause of your anxiety and depression. Hyperthyroidism is connected to mood disorders and bipolar depression. The treatment for bipolar lithium can be a trigger causing hyperthyroidism.
The deficiency in thyroid hormone leading to hypothyroidism can leave you feeling sluggish and cause fatigue, weight gain and lack of energy. As a result of these symptoms, it can lead to developing mental health conditions. Other symptoms that can lead to depression and anxiety are lack of motivation and lack of concentration.
Whether you are suffering from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism doctors work to help get your thyroid hormone levels back to normal. They do this in a few different ways. It depends on what the cause of your thyroid condition is. If it is hyperthyroidism, you have then some treatment options are antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, beta blockers and surgery. With hypothyroidism the main treatment is thyroid replacement medication, this medication helps add the thyroid hormones back into your body.
There are some things you could try to boost your thyroid function including things like exercise. Exercising daily can help boost your thyroid hormone levels, it helps by boosting your metabolism as well as stimulating your thyroid gland. Other things you could try are reducing your stress as stress increases your cortisol levels. Increased cortisol levels lead to a decrease in your thyroid hormone production. So, try things like yoga and meditation to keep your stress levels in control.
Tips for coping with symptoms
There are some things you can try to help relieve some of the symptoms you are experiencing. For example, if you are suffering from weight gain then you could try to keep up a healthy eating plan and get exercise regularly. Also make sure you are taking your medication correctly as this is there to help your thyroid condition which in turn will ease your symptoms. As thyroid can affect your mental health causing anxiety and depression it is important that you not only look after your physical health but also your mental health. Practice coping mechanisms that may help with anxiety and depression like meditation, breathing exercises and get a hobby that helps keep your mind occupied.
For coping with fatigue, you could try taking small power naps in the afternoon. Keep it to 20-30 mins this way it gives you a quick energy boost but not enough to disturb you from falling asleep at night. Those who suffer from hair loss/breakage may receive help from changing their hair styles to ones that are less likely to cause your hair to break. So instead of putting your hair up in a tight ponytail try loosely braiding it.
Also, there are some medications that can help with severe hair loss/breakage although this symptom is usually only temporary. Having people there for you to speak to and express how you are feeling can help you cope with your condition and help with the emotional side of it. So be sure to open and talk about how you are feeling and allow your friends and family to help you when you need it.