For many people who are not working or studying being stuck in isolation can leave you feeling bored and lonely. The absence of structure also throws your life into chaos as it can cause you to feel lost and without anything to do with all this free time. Here, we will list some activities that you can do to help keep you occupied and the children from destroying the house.
Learn something new
With all this extra time you have there has never been a better time for you to learn something new. This could be a hobby you have always wanted to try or learn but because of work and your previous commitments you have not had the time to.
Read a book
This is a great time to pick up a copy of a new release, something from your favourite genre or just to revisit an old favourite. This doesn’t just need to be limited to a physical copy of a book it could be a magazine, eBook or comic book. Basically, anything that will keep you occupied for a while. Reading can be perfect for this as it not only helps to expand your mind but also sets an example to your children who could find a passion for it.
Movie marathon
Pick a time in the day, gather the family, take out some snacks or order some food and have a marathon of all your favourite movies. To keep the peace in the house, for each movie night a member of the family can have their pick of what they want to watch. This could be Disney movies, Marvel, Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.
There may be odd jobs around the house that you have been putting off for some time. This can be a great way to catch up on them whilst not driving yourself up the wall with boredom.

Grab an apron and start experimenting in the kitchen with new recipes you find online or on social media. This can also be a great opportunity to turn it into a fun family activity by getting the kids involved and teaching them how to bake.
Home workout
During your time in isolation, it’s important to not only look after your mental well-being but also your physical. By telling yourself that you cannot workout because you do not have access to the gym is a poor excuse. This is because there are plenty of workout routines you can try out in the comfort of your own home. You can find these on social media or YouTube by simply searching, home workouts.
Reach out
If you have family or friends that are working on the frontline or fall under the category of high risk because they are elderly or immuno-compromised, you should reach out to them to see if they need help with anything and to ask how they are doing. Also, having to isolate alone, away from friends and family can increase your feelings of loneliness. In this case it is important to stay in contact with them through messaging, social media and video calls.