
The effect abortions have on a relationship

4 Mins read

When it comes to abortions people tend to think it is a negative thing. Especially when it comes to the effect it has on relationships. Yes sometimes that is the case however, they can sometimes have a positive effect on the couple. Here you will learn about both the good and the bad side having an abortion in a relationship. First thing you will learn here is the understanding of what an abortion isand how they are carried out.

What is an abortion?

A abortion ( also known as a termination) is a medical precidure that stops a pregancy. The pregnancy is ended either by having a medical procedure or by medicines. You can get an abortion carried out under the care by the NHS or a licenced clinic. They are usually free of charge if you use the NHS. 

To be able to get an abortion on the NHS there are 3 different ways to go about it.

  1. Contact a sexual health clinic. These are sometimes known as family planning or GUM (genitourinary medicine) clinics. If you choice this option you ask for a referral to an abortion service.
  2. You can also self-refer yourself by contacting an abortion provider directly. There are many that you can choose from such as the National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS). The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), MSI Reproductive Choices UK. You can also use your local NHS sexual health website which explains to you about eligibility and services in your area.
  3. The final option is by speaking to your GP. Ask for a referral to an abortion service, the GP should then refer you to another doctor if they have any objections to carrying out the abortion.

The waiting times for an abortion can vary. However it should not take more than 2 weeks for your doctor to make first contact to the doctor providing the abortion.

Not all abortions are free. If you go to a private clinic and ask for a private abortion it will cost you since its not funded by the NHS. Costs for private abortions can vary as it all depends on what stage of the pregancy you are on. As well as the method used to carry out the procedure.

Positive effect on a relationship

Abortions can have a positive affect on relationships, they can sometimes even make them stronger. If a couple finds out they are pregnant and both agree that they are not ready to be a parent, an abortion can bring them closer together since they made the decision together. 

Couples who agree on getting an abortion can help each other grow. It helps them realise what they want in the future together, it could also help them motivate them getting their dream career for when they are ready to try again. 

Another example of a positive is that if the couple do not know if they want a child. Getting pregnant can help them realise that a baby is not for them. Therefore the abortion is a joint agreement.

On a sad note it can help bring couples together is if the girl is raped by another man and is inpregnated. Her boyfriend will be there for her. He will be there with her through the process comforting her, causing a stronger connection.

Negative effects on a relationship

As stated above an abortion can actually help a relationship, howvever it can have its down falls. Abortions can be very stressful on a relationship, which can cause it to have problems. They can also cause a relationship to split up. This can be due to many different reasons. Below is a list of ways why getting an abortion can have an negative effect on a relationship and why. 

  1. One of them is not ready to become a parent whereas the other is. 

This can cause a negative effect on a relationship because they may realise they are at different stages in their life. Therefore one of them tilling their significant other they want an abortion or they want them to have one will have a big negative impact on their relationship. Sometimes the woman might feel like she was forced to get rid of their baby due to the dad not wanting one. As well as the other way round the man might feel like they have to accept the fact their partner is getting an abortion because it is her body.

  1. They both have different grieving processes.

This can cause a negative effect in a relationship because people grieve in different ways. One may not show much emotion towards the termination which therefore makes their significant other think that they do not care. As the other partner is emotional and cries a lot, they may not want to leave the house or they might lose any motivation to do things. Because of this it can cause them to clash, they may argue more. It can cause the couple to drift apart. Which can end in a break up. 

 3.  Changes to the woman’s body.

Having an abortion can sometimes cause problems to the womans body. Sometimes there are complications. This can cause a negative effect on a relationship in many ways. On one hand the female might feel that her partner is not being supportive enough, they might start to think that they do not care. They may feel like they have a lack of support which makes them feel depressed. Another reason how it can have a negative effect is that the man might no longer feel sexually attracted to their significant other due to what they had witnessed. Since having an abortion can cause a woman to bleed heavily.  Because of this the man might not want to have sex anymore. This can cause relationships to break up or have many problems. 

Having an abortion is not a negative act, it is normal to want to get or having an abortion. When it comes to getting one in a relationship it does require you to have a lot of conversations to make the right decision for your relationship. There should be no judging or blaming each other. In other words, it should be a joint decision; you should both be in it together. Making sure you are looking after each other before, during and after the abortion.

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