Mental Wellbeing Network

The benefits of mindfulness walking

What is mindfulness walking?

Mindfulness walking is a type of meditation that involves you moving around in nature, rather than sitting with your eyes closed. One of the benefits to mindfulness walking is that in can be incorporated into anywhere you walk. Mindfulness walking is meant to bring you closer to nature as well as your own body. There are different steps to follow when you practice mindfulness walking. Overtime, mindfulness walking will become apart of every walk you go on as it becomes a part of who you are and helps you to connect with your more.

Steps to mindfulness walking

There are different steps to follow to get the full benefits of mindfulness walking. Without following these steps, the benefits will not be taken in.

What is grounding?

Grounding yourself is important. To ground yourself, you are getting rid of the electrodes in your body and help you to connect you to the earth. To ground yourself is beneficial and has positive effects. Grounding yourself reduces stress and pain, improves your blood flow, energy and sleep, reduces inflammation. It also promotes the healing of wounds. It also improves overall wellbeing.   

What are the benefits to mindfulness walking?

There are many benefits involved in mindfulness walking, but the top ones include

Mindfulness walking vs meditation

This type of walking can be done anywhere outside at any time. Although it is best to find somewhere quieter, it can be done in louder and busier environments.

Meditation on the other hand has many limits. You are limited to certain levels of noise and also have movement and position restrictions.

In mindfulness walking, you look at the world around you and find relaxation in the world you live in to understand your body better.

With meditation, you sit down with your eye closed to find your relaxation. Some find meditation to be very difficult at first.

On the other hand, mindfulness walking and meditation have some similarities. Both require you to practice different breathing techniques and both have the same outcome. They give you a calmer mind, improve your overall health and they both teach you about your body.

Mindfulness walking and your health

Anyone can practice mindfulness walking as it is beneficial to all, but it can also have significant benefits to those with mental health illnesses. Mindfulness walking can help combat symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, low self-esteem. Going on a mindfulness walk can give you a more positive outlook on yourself and life around you, sometimes it can even give you a break from the chaos of life. Your sleep quality is also improved by mindfulness walking which can also make you feel happier.

Mindfulness walking can also improve your physical health. Although this type of exercise is not strenuous, it can help lower the risks of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancers and a healthy weight. Overall health improvements also lower the risk of anxiety and depression taking over, and you release more of the ‘happy hormone’ the more you exercise.

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