Mental Health

Starting over and the effects

4 Mins read

Starting over can be very scary and daunting for some people. Whether it be from moving house/country, starting a new job, moving schools, etc. Starting over can have both good and bad effects on your mental health which we will discuss in this article.

Bad effects of starting over

Depression and anxiety – This may be because you don’t know anyone, you may not know where to fit in and moving somewhere where you don’t know anyone can trigger anxiety and depression, especially if you isolate yourself from meeting new people and socialising.

Loneliness – Not knowing anyone when starting over can cause loneliness if not sociable. You may feel out of place which causes you to distance yourself.

Stress – Starting over in general can be very stressful. If it’s moving house/country, it can be very stressful trying to get things in order.

Good effects of starting over

Fresh start – A new beginning may just be what you need to flourish. Many people that start over are happier than they were.

Rediscovery – You are free to be yourself, no one knew you before, you may find a true love within yourself and be able to flourish.

Freedom – Being in a new place can give you a sense of freedom and can help you to grow and develop as an individual.

Happiness – You may have wanted to start over, so in doing so you become happier.

Starting over and depression

Depression can be a common occurrence when it comes to starting over. Starting over is a very daunting experience when you don’t know what to expect. It can be good or bad for some people, everyone’s experiences are different. However, there are many people who may experience depression whilst having to start over. Starting over may not have been your choice, whether it’s a job loss, moving with family, a divorce/split, it can be really hard to move on and start a whole new chapter.

Moving country

Now, moving to another country can be very stressful and seriously daunting. Completely leaving your old life behind and having to make a new one for yourself is a very scary thought. When I was 14, I moved from Scotland to England and it was the worst time I have experienced. I was a teenager, I never wanted to leave, but I had to. I became depressed and I isolated myself from new possibilities. I didn’t want to be here. But years on, I grew older and I accepted my life and I am now happier than I have ever been. Although I was scared, anxious, and lonely, I figured it out. I finally decided to put myself out there and enjoy the fresh start I had.

What stops you from having a great fresh start is the fear. The fear of being somewhere different, doing something different. It stops you from experiencing amazing opportunities because you are scared.

Why do people fear starting over?

There are many, many reasons that people fear starting over. Every way of starting over is different. People fear starting over because it is something they have never done before, they don’t know what the outcome is going to be and that is daunting. It’s something they are not used to, you never expect to have to start over. And like I said earlier, it may not be your choice to start over. When you have to start over it can trigger many unhappy emotions which may start to affect your mental health.

How to accept that you have to start over?

Acceptance is the first part. Although you may not want to start over, accepting it will be the first step to secure happiness. The endless possibilities you now have, rediscovering yourself. Starting over does not need to be a bad thing. Put yourself first. If you are struggling with negative emotions due to starting over, it might be best to speak to someone, whether it be a friend, family or a therapist. Always put yourself first no matter what. Try not to worry too much trying to figure out what’s going to happen. Worrying about it will only cause more problems for you to have to deal with. Choose this new path and see where the journey takes you. You may find yourself happier than ever.

What are ways that class as starting over?

Moving house/country
Moving schools
A break-up/divorce
Starting a new job
Losing a friendship
New career path
Healthier habits

Tips on coping with change

Accept the change – Not accepting the change you may be going through will hold you back in many ways. It will stop you from moving forward in life and will just affect your mental health. Instead of thinking of all the negatives, try and see some positives even if it’s just one thing.

Get into a routine – Instead of dwelling on the new changes in your life, put yourself out there, explore the new possibilities this new change holds for you.

Focus on what you can control – Learn to accept what’s beyond your control, some change is inevitable. Rather than holding yourself back, focus on the things you can control like your happiness.

Give yourself time to adjust – Changes in life can be very challenging to adhere to. Work through your feelings and come up with solutions.

Speak with your loved ones – Changes can be scary and it will help to open up your feelings with your loved ones. They are there to support you.

Keep a diary – Instead of writing down all the negatives, try to write down some positives of this change going on in your life. At some point, the good will outweigh the bad, no matter how you feel at the moment, it will get better.


Everyone’s afraid of change. However, change can sometimes help us to grow and develop ourselves to becoming the best possible person we can be. Although changes are very daunting and scary, sometimes we can’t stop the change, only adjust to them. There is always support for anyone that suffers with change and dealing with it yourself. And although there are people who like change and it helps them as a person, there are also people who struggle, therefore it affects their mental health. If you know someone going through a major life change, make sure to check up on them. You won’t know how someone’s feeling until you ask.

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