Social media platforms, whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or TikTok have dominated and revolutionised every aspect of our lives for several decades. Although their positive impact on our lives cannot be underestimated there is always two sides to a coin and social media is no different. Therefore, in this article we will be discussing the benefits and the harms of social media.
Benefits of social media
Staying connected
The idea of staying connected has never been more important than over the last year of our lives. We have seen how valuable it is to our well-being to stay in touch with family and friends. We have also seen the toll it has on our lives not being able to communicate with our more vulnerable family members through such a difficult time in our lives. The presence of social media has made it easier to stay in touch. In addition to this, something we all experience in our lives is losing contact with people from school or work. The use of social media offers you the possibility of rekindling these past friendships and relationships.
Those going through difficult times have found that the internet has given them the opportunity to reach out to people. Whether this be a person you know or an online professional. For introverted people, social media can help create for them a virtual space that feels less overwhelming than in person. They can also make friends easier as they can follow and interact with people who share the same interests. This also applies to people with a niche interest as no matter what it is and no matter how few people there are in your life that share it, there will always be a community online where they will.

Good causes
Young people can also use social media to educate and inform themselves on a number of issues. Including humanitarian causes from around the world and climate change. It allows these people to come together under a cause they feel passionate about and make their voice heard through campaigns and peaceful protests.
Those who are in desperate need of money to pay for life saving health treatments can also use social media to get urgent help. These people can set up GoFundMe pages where others can donate money to help them.
Harms of social media
Cyberbullying happens over the internet or a digital device with the intent to cause a person harm or distress. Some examples of cyberbullying include spreading rumours, repeated harassment, stalking and posting humiliating images online without your consent. This can affect your everyday life and stories of tragic consequences including suicide and self-harm are well documented in the news. Therefore, if you are concerned that your child or a loved one might be a victim of cyberbullying you should look out for the following signs:
- Withdrawing from family
- Making excuses to miss school
- Friends no longer coming to your household
- Losing weight or changing their appearance to fit in
- Fresh marks on skin, potentially indicating self-harm
The prevalence of photoshopping on posts is a long-standing issue that has been levelled at social media companies. This is because they reflect an unrealistic body image to all their followers. This is particularly damaging to young, impressionable people who see the images posted by celebrities and influencers and believe this is how you should look and behave. When these ideals are not met it can cause insecurities, low self-esteem and anxiety.
As you progress through this article the apparent theme is how important our use of social media is. Therefore, in order to enjoy the benefits while limiting the harms you should focus your time on keeping up with friends and family and by following influencers who inspire you and not those that make you feel worse.
Fear of Missing out
This refers to the feeling that others are having more fun and living a better than you are. A consequence of this is that people become envious of the life others are living thereby lowering your self-esteem as you have to eventually put the phone down and face your reality. However, what many people fail to understand is that these pictures just show a singular moment in their life. Essentially, you are trying to compare your regular life to the highlight reel of other people’s lives.