In the world, the term ‘self-care’ has been commonly used a lot. It is defined as taking care of yourself when it comes to mental or physical health. Self-care should improve the function of the body and mind. 

In a way, self-care is a hard term to answer for. For every individual person, their needs are different from everyone. It is truly about looking after yourself mentally and physically. 

Self-care is considered as caring and feeling better about yourself, when doing something for yourself. For example, feeling free to go out or have a change of lifestyle, get a haircut, nails done. 

When it comes to self-care, it is so important and feels good to be living a healthy and happy lifestyle and putting yourself first for a change. But in all honesty, it can be easy to forget about yourself when having a busy life, including a variety of responsibilities and others to look after. However, it’s about making a commitment to putting yourself first and feeling better within you as well as out. 

There are plenty of benefits of self-care that could improve your wellbeing. Such as, improving your physical health, reducing stress and anxiety, boosting your self-esteem. It protects your mental health, and it can lead to better relationships. 

Poster that says "Self-care is not selfish"
Self care someone meditating