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Protecting yourself online with mental illness

We all agree that at some point you need to be safe on the internet. There are so many ways that the internet is fun and enjoyable for things such as youtube and video games. However, it is also unsafe at times, especially with new apps that come out every day. It could be unsafe in terms of fake emails, possible hackers, and meeting people online. It’s always important to be extra careful when using the internet so you don’t cause any unnecessary risk to yourself, your well-being, and the people around you.

Using the internet for your mental health

Before we get into the do’s and don’ts, I wanted to address that the internet isn’t all bad! According to over 90% of the global population use the internet on a mobile device. That’s almost everybody in the world! And the internet is fun, there is so much that we can learn online and that’s why it’s also an amazing place to search about your mental illness. You may find some useful information that can help you!

How can the internet help with mental illness?

There are many ways the internet can help anyone with mental illness because it is so easily accessible. There could be apps on your phones that you could use, websites, games, and much more! 

So here is a list of ways the internet can help mental health:

As you can see there is so much the internet has to offer to help you with your mental illness! 

How can the internet affect mental illness?

The internet is a huge place after all, so there are bound to be ways it could affect your mental health too. So here are some of the ways the internet can affect your mental health.

There are many ways that the internet can affect your mental illness so it’s important to be safe whilst online!

How the internet can be unsafe for those with mental illness

Protecting yourself online is important since the internet is a huge place. It can be unsafe but more so for those with mental illness and I can explain why.

Here is an example:

Someone with depression may want to seek someone to console them, they may need a shoulder to cry on or just some company. They may find someone online, let’s say through Facebook, and they want to meet this person. This person doesn’t have any pictures on their profile of themself or their family or might have a fake picture. They decide to meet and it’s not the person they expected or saw in the photos. Maybe this person is older than they say they are? This can lead to many traumatic things and it’s important never to meet someone you’ve never seen or talked to whether in person or on a face call before. Things could become dangerous!

Not only this but they could also use you, you’re vulnerable and they use that to either take money from you or manipulate you. You don’t have to meet someone for them to affect you.

These are known as romance scams and catfishing. It’s awful to think someone would do that but there are many videos and stories online that are true and it’s sad to know that there are people like that in the world. That’s why it’s important to protect yourself.

How to protect yourself on the internet

It’s important to make sure you are doing the right things to protect yourself on the internet. This is because it can have a great impact on the health and safety of you and the people you are close to! Here are some of the many things you can do to protect yourself and others online: 

Please be safe on the internet, especially with mental illness. You could be used and manipulated because people can see you as vulnerable. It can be risky and dangerous, especially when meeting someone you don’t know. If you’re not sure, ask someone!

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