GeneralMental Health

Positive quotes and affirmations

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Positive quotes/affirmations

Positive quotes are short lines that can give you a burst of wisdom and help to give you a positive outlook for the day. It does this by giving inspiration when you read it. So if you are feeling sad or down, reading them can help you feel better throughout the day! It can also help you feel motivated to achieve your goals.

Positive affirmations are phrases or statements that can be used to battle negative thoughts and feelings. You can manifest/repeat them to yourself and in return help you encourage yourself to make positive changes.

Examples of positive quotes

Positive quotes are used for small bursts of inspiration and will motivate you during the day. Here are some examples that you can find:

  • “You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens.” -Mandy Hale 

This reminds us that not everything can go as planned in life so the best thing to do is relax and see how things will go. 

  • “You do not find the happy life. You MAKE IT.” -Camilla Eyring Kimball

This is a reminder that the things you do in your life are what brings you happiness. You don’t find happiness, you make it with your actions.

  • “You make a life out of what you have, not what you’re missing.”- Kate Morton

A lot of people talk about things they don’t have and it brings them down. Remembering what or who you have in life is important. If there is something you want, make it a goal and don’t let that make it hard for you to enjoy your life.

  • “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Belief is something that can help you through a lot of things. Believing in yourself can give you self confidence and boost your self esteem. It can also motivate you to do better in something.

  • “Never wait. Life goes faster than you think.” -note for inspire

This is a good reminder that life is short and you should always go for it. Whether its a new job or new love.

  • “Your mistakes don’t define you” -Unknown.

Everyone makes mistakes but don’t let the past mistakes define who you are as a person. This can lower your confidence because it can make you feel like an awful person. Learn from your mistakes and move on! Don’t let them bring you down.

Examples of positive affirmations

  • “I’m confident”
  • “I am confident socially and enjoy meeting new people”
  • “I’m happy driving my new car”
  • “I’m happy in my new home” 
  • “I will have a good day today”
  • “I am amazing”
  • “I’m caring and kind”
  • “I can do it”
  • “I believe in myself”
  • “I’m happy and grateful for what I have”
  • “I’m successful”
  • “I will wake up motivated”
  • “I will have a good day today”

Positive affirmations you can make yourself! They’re simple and short. Saying them before you go to sleep or just after you wake up to inspire yourself for the day. Here are some examples:

As you can see all of them start with ‘I will’ ‘I am’ etc. you are telling yourself that you are those things, you are happy, you are strong, you are confident. It helps to motivate you and boost morale. 

How do positive quotes support you?

We all have those days, whether you have a mental illness or not, where you feel down and just need a push to keep going. Positive quotes can make you look to the bright side. It can help lift your spirits, motivate you and give you hope for a better future. It can inspire you to make changes and work towards your goals whether it will be something for the future or maybe a goal for something you want.

How can positive affirmations support you?

Positive affirmations can help strengthen your self confidence and self worth by boosting your opinion of yourself and they give you the confidence in your own capability to achieve the many goals you may set for yourself. They can also be used to fight back against the feelings of anxiety, panic, stress, sad thoughts and insecurities that will come from mental illnesses such as anxiety disorder and depression.

How do positive quotes affect the brain?

Positive words from quotes can help to promote your brain’s cognitive function. The cognitive function takes the information of the frontal lobes of the brain and the cognitive function allows us to receive, select and store that information. So how does this help you with positive quotes? Well, the quotes can help to wake the motivational centres of the brain and get them into action allowing you to remember and feel motivated during the day. In return this can affect our behaviours positively and make us feel like we can achieve what we are aiming for. 

How do positive affirmations affect the brain?

According to studies found on the website, positive affirmations help to wake up your reward centres of the brain which will allow you to have more pleasurable experiences during the day. “It fires up your neural pathways and makes changes to those areas of the brain that makes you happy and positive.”

Affirmations can help to decrease stresses that can cause your health to worsen. It can also help you to start working on increasing other things that will affect your health in a positive way. This could be things such as: Exercising, help you eat a better diet and achieve better studies by giving you motivation.


All quotes were found here:

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