Mental Health


3 Mins read


One being a state of calmness despite the hurdles or hardships they may face, always being your vibration high and not letting anything interfere with your peace. Help keep a level of calmness when going through hardships or feelings or anxiety even distress. Often those that are affected by mental health struggle with peace of mind and are battling themselves daily and have no control over things that affect them.

How not having peace of mind can affect you:

This may impact sleep patterns and lower moods because of the lack of sleep and you may feel unmotivated with lower moods as it all affects how you begin your day. You will often face conflict with loved ones or people you see on a daily basis. You will be in a constant state of worry that I will bring more stress, unable to focus on new opportunities often hold you back. 

Improving peace of mind how to stop worrying out things that are out of your control: 

2. Set it free for e.g. a job a toxic relationship environment all have affect on your mental state and your peace. anything hindering your happiness. LET IT GO.

3. Concentrate on things you can control and create good habits learning new skills that will have a great impact on you achieving peace of mind. 

4. Learn to be open to change as in life it brings uncertainty and obstacles but the right mindset will help you achieve peace of mind. 

Having on improving peace of mind: 

Simply use your time by doing things that will uplift your mood, things you find contentment and joy in and be healthier for the mind. Such as new hobbies.

When seeking out ways to improve peace of mind doesn’t affect your health as some find peace from drug abuse but it is detrimental to your health in the long run different ways of creating peace however it becomes temporary. Bi of things 


Keeping fit not only has health benefits but you will also be focusing your energy on something beneficial rather than stressing and being in a state of being unproductive will only leave you feeling worse. 


The idea or what they are trying to achieve by this is to focus on everything that is in the present and still not letting the mind get distracted by the hardships and problems you are facing, just let things be and focus on the present. 


Music helps distract is also a form of escape. You could also try listening to music that has low Hz that is quite soothing and promotes relaxation. 


Write about all the good things going on in your life if you can’t think of asking a family member. Or simply having a goal will give peace and purpose. Many choose to mind peace in feeling like they have purpose so it is also important to do things in the current that align with your future self. 

Environment/space is an important factor to achieving peace of mind. It affects mood for e.g. being at the club around alcohol and substances will not bring you peace of mind. 

Here is a religious point of view on having peace. 

Many religious beliefs teach that there is no peace without a God. As he is the purpose and what brings fulfilment in life and all that’s good. Wants are only things of the world but inner peace comes from somewhere deeper and any ease to the mind quoted many different structures 

Another teaching for those who struggle with mental health is that there is no peace without struggle. It is normal to battle and goes through hardships but to understand peace you must have to go through something.


 and how you can apply it to your life: Someone able to control a physical condition or problem by simply using the mind, his ability to keep going even when he is tired with that being said how we apply this, your peace is in your control, this is all about taking control of your mind and how you react to things. 

The aim of having peace of mind is to tackle problems that life presents. Having peace of mind also ensures you don’t display anger or project it onto other people. you will ease your mind and improve mental stability. It will relieve stress. 

Try eliminating bad qualities/traits such as anger, jealousy, feeling of being self-centred or write the things that you need to improve on about yourself and take action on chafing them. This will be fulfilling and you will see improvements in your life in the long run.  This will also affect you knowing that you’re doing the right thing. It is proven that people who develop a more positive attitude toward things are much happier. 

Finally, combining these techniques you will watch yourself become a healthier person by having a better approach. Taking action is a part of the most important steps in finding peace.

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