History Of Mental Health
The Madhouse Act 1774
The first law focusing on mental health was The Madhouse Act 1774. There were private funded lunatic asylums that were built during the 19th century. Doctors were commonly known as ‘mad doctors’ who owned the madhouse, and they weren’t qualified to treat patients with mental health issues.
There were unpleasant methods that were used to deal with people with insanity. It was either to keep them at home, or to send them to the madhouse. Two types of abuse were used, as there were concerns on medically treating the patients a little or not at all. The first abuse was to keep the insane in bad conditions. And the second was to lock up patients in a private cell, who claimed to be insane.
What was also cruel that at the Lainston House, private patients stayed at the mansion. But, the poor people were kept separately in a smaller building, like the shed or a barn. In 1847, the house was closed down for mistreating the poor people who had been left out in the cold, in a bad state and were chained up.
The Madhouse Act 1774 launched a licensing system because there were concerns that sane people were illegally sent to the asylum by their family or partner. Although, from 19th century through 20th century, some survived at the madhouse and the others didn’t.

Child And Adolescent Mental Health Services
Mental health services for children and teenagers was founded in 1998. The services were created to give support and guidance to children until they come to an age of leaving school. It’s financed by the NHS and the local Government.
School For Children With Learning Disabilities
Around 1870, children with learning disabilities were called ‘idiot’ children. For those who had learning disabilities were sent to Darenth School, which opened in 1878 by the Metropolitan Asylum Board. And in 1880, there was a separate institution by the school, which was for 1,000 adults to stay.
When NHS was founded in 1948, the mental health and physical health service were not joined. As there was lack of finance, staff and buildings. From 1954, Iain Macleod increased the spending to ensure there were plenty of beds because of high number of patients. As for the elderly, they were sent away to the day centres and community care.
In 1956, the first ban happened in the NHS. It was organised by the Confederation of Health Service Employees.
Mental Health In 2022
Currently, the new year has already begun and everyone are finding it difficult to manage their mental, physical, and emotional well-being. People at this point are still trying to amend their situations, but they need the support and help they deserve.
It has been 2 years of people coping with or suffering from COVID-19. It can be mentally draining to not have a normal, fantastic time, but this is the new normal. However, look at the positive side of things. As long as we follow the protocol, we can still go out, have a breather, and have a fun time with our loved ones. Although, we all hope the virus vanishes.
Today’s younger generation have been doing a lot of bad things. Whether because they wanted to, regards to issues they have or not. Or they might have been influenced by others. For instance, joining gang violence, drugs, smoking or vaping, bullying or cyber-bullying, or forced an individual to do a specific thing.
As I have seen or heard experiences, or even seen series like ‘13 Reasons Why’, every individual child or a young adult goes through something. And people need to take action. All schools and parents should be aware of what the children are up to, or situations they are dealing with. Staff members need to follow procedures to prevent serious situations from happening. Also, if a child has mental health issues or having suicidal thoughts, you need to look out for them.
What Needs To Be Changed In The Future?
People need to take action on what needs to be changed or issues to prevent from happening.
From my point of view, new laws need to be implemented and take matters into hand seriously. For example, suicide rates have been rising and people need to take extreme measures of procedure to prevent it from happening. Also, involving schools and parents. There has been situations where an individual has been up-skirted, child abuse, rape and many others, which people don’t say much about. Action needs to be taken and everyone needs to be alert of these issues.
Another thing is people should be aware of what others are struggling with. If there are situations that someone is going through alone, just listen. Don’t criticise them because of their issues, and don’t shout or lecture. Just simply listen, talk calmly, and offer support and guidance they deserve. As for children, give them attention and approach them appropriately. But also, give them a little space so they can eventually open up to you.