Mental Health

Paranoia and mental health

4 Mins read

What is Paranoia

Paranoia is a symptom that can cause a person to become worried for a long period of time. This is because the person is usually stressed out over something on their mind that is constantly worrying them causing them tension under different circumstances. It can happen to anyone whether it is children, teens or adults.

Paranoia can make your health deteriorate rapidly. It is the unnecessary tension that makes a person feel suffocated even though there is nothing that is a threat to them.

Paranoia can cause a lot of doubt and uncertainty such as someone making a hate comment towards you which may get you to think that everyone is against you when in most cases that is not true.

The symptom can involve negative thoughts of other people and what they think. People’s opinions and feedback is the main cause of paranoia as it creates different ideas and scenarios in your head that are not true.

Some people such as friends or family might say you are paranoid even though you do not think you are. By letting false scenarios get to your head it would be difficult to control and may develop further symptoms. Constantly thinking about the same thing can cause problems to your mental health making it a turn for the worst.

There is a different type of paranoia that can take a toll on your mental health. It is known as clinical paranoia which is more severe. However, some may believe that others are lying or being unfair to them even though there is no evidence to prove it.

Effects of paranoia

Your actions or thoughts can cause paranoia but it depends on how bad the situation or idea is that can trigger it. There are different causes of the symptom such as:

  • Loneliness
  • Anxiety
  • High class drugs
  • Low confidence
  • Depression

The person may feel on edge and worry about unnecessary thoughts which may worsen their condition.

Becoming defensive on certain topics or opinions people have can trigger paranoia because you might relate to it or it is affecting you personally.

Having paranoia means that you feel you are always right and that only your views matter. As a result, you would lose faith in others and would find it difficult to maintain working or friendly relationships with others whether that is friends or family.

Other ways in which paranoia can affect you is the way the people closest to you may treat you and the thought of them avoiding you. Furthermore, friends may perceive you as weird or abnormal as your behaviour towards them is aggressive causing them to stay away from you. This can make you feel that your actions and beliefs are important.

Sometimes paranoia can make people feel selfish and deluded. What I mean by this is others may not know you have the symptoms of paranoia and may simply think you are rude to them intentionally.

Overall I feel like paranoia is frowned upon in modern society as people may deem it as attention-seeking or sensitive. This is not the case as it is becoming more common over the years. Paranoia can lead to negative behaviours such as staying isolated indoors and not having any social life. It would make you feel isolated and makes you think that no one likes you.

Taking care of yourself

There are different ways of managing and controlling paranoia that can make your life a whole lot easier. Getting treatment reduces the symptoms and improves the person’s ability to function. Staying busy and doing everyday activities helps people stay away from paranoia as they are not thinking negatively or distracted by anything that is hurtful.

Such activities include socialising with others, watching movies, exercising studying and many others. This helps build confidence and self esteem because it is something you like to do and benefits you from living a healthier life.

Talking to someone and conveying your feelings towards others also helps release a lot of pressure and nervousness. It is a safe space for people who suffer from paranoia and helps calm them down.

There are many factors that can contribute to controlling paranoia. Such examples include:

  • Getting good amount of sleep
  • Staying hydrated
  • A balanced diet
  • Keeping active
  • Learn to relax

These factors all help reduce paranoia significantly as it makes changes to your mood and other capabilities. Having time for yourself helps keep paranoia at bay alternatively you could talk to a psychiatrist or psychologist about your mental health struggles and how to deal with them, especially with paranoia.


There are many treatments that can cure paranoia that can help individuals live a healthier lifestyle. If your thoughts are causing you so much pain and distress it is best to speak to someone about any treatments they can offer to help tackle paranoia.

Additionally, you may want to start by visiting your GP and discussing how the disease is affecting you as well as any other health conditions you may have. Getting your health checked is the first step to getting treatment as it can help you cope with it. As a result, this may relieve the aftereffects and help reduce the symptoms that come with it.

Other treatments include:

  • Therapy
  • Taking medication
  • Staying busy with activities

Therapy is the most popular treatment for paranoia as it helps provide healing and expresses how one feels in a safe space environment. These types of treatments can help talk about your experiences and the difficulties that come with them.

Medication helps to reduce the effects. Paranoia links in with other health problems such as anxiety disorder, depression and schizophrenia.

There are different types of therapy treatments that help with paranoia. One of the main types of therapy is cognitive behavioural therapy which deals with the main aspect of paranoia.

If you feel paranoid you may find that you avoid places or people that make you feel uncomfortable or threatened. You may also use relaxation techniques to help cope with the struggles and ongoing effects of paranoia.

Advanced technology can help cure multiple different mental health problems as well as find solutions. This gives an insight into how they are dealing with the condition and the treatments.

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