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Moral Kidnapping

We have all likely experienced moral kidnapping in our lives. Some more than others. It may seem small at first, but could be conniving. In this article, I will go over what moral kidnapping is, the effects of it. I will also go over how it could affect your mindset going forward. But first of all, what is moral kidnapping?  

The Definition

Moral kidnapping is when you morally pressured into doing something. This can be towards something good or bad, and is not considered a violent thing. It is similar to peer pressure as you feel you are being pushed into doing something, you are not comfortable with. The main difference is that with this, your morals are being questioned, and that is where the pressure comes from. An example of this could be if someone asks you to give money to charity. At first, you could say that you can’t, but the person might keep questioning you, and asking you. This could make you feel obligated to give them money, to stop them from pressuring you.  

Moral kidnapping is a lot more common than you think. There are so many different scenarios in which someone could use this tactic in order to gain from it. It could happen in so many situations, like tipping a waiter, being asked to do a favour, or being asked to give something you do not want to. These often will take place in a public surrounding, as it can be used to increase the pressure on the person, and can increase the chance of him doing the action. This is because if there are people witnessing what is going on, they could also join in. This will lead to peer pressure.  

The Effects

If you have been morally kidnapped before and succumbed to the pressure, it could affect you in many ways. Firstly, it could make you crumble under that pressure again, making you more susceptible to another encounter. This means it will be easier to pressure you into doing something you want to do. Overtime, this could make you become more influenced by everyone else’s opinion, making you do things for the acceptance of other people, and give your own opinions, and thoughts less value.  

Secondly, if you have been morally kidnapped before, it could lead to you doing it on someone else. This may be due to its effectiveness over you, or for another reason. This may just lead to the next person doing it on someone else. It can also be used as means to get something you want from someone. This is because it is not a violent method, and is a lot easier to do. Therefore, this is something you should refrain from, as it can lead to you utilising it and becoming selfish. 

Thirdly, it can impact your outlook on life, making you want to please everyone with the actions you make. This affects your mindset as it makes you no longer think for yourself, and for your benefit. This will then lead to you becoming more naïve, as you shape yourself in other people’s opinions, and morals. This can be known as following the crowd, as you are just going along with everyone else’s ideas and ideals, making them your own without thought.  

How To Prevent It

To defend something like moral kidnapping from happening to you is simple. This is by simply saying no. If you are not comfortable with something, or do not agree with something, you simply should not agree to do it. No matter how positive it may look, or how pressured you could feel. However, it is important that you do remain respectful, and peaceful, as often lashing out could worsen the situation. If you are being pressurised too much, it is best to leave them alone, and distance yourself from them. This can make them stop pursuing you, and leave you alone in the future as well. 

However, if they are consistently bothering, and harassing you, you can get them arrested, and let the police know what is going on. If they are bothering you to that extent, it is important you take action, as it should not be tolerated. Also, if they are able to get away with it once, they could do it to someone else.   


In conclusion, we have seen what moral kidnapping is and the effects, and how it could occur at any time during our daily lives. It could be giving up your seats for someone, or being asked about charity. Although it could sound like it is for a good cause, that is not the case. This is because you are being forced into a moral contract with someone in order to “do something right.” Therefore, it is important to stand up for yourself in order to make sure you do not fall for such a mistake.  

I also went through how it could affect you. For example, it could make you more prone to these kinds of situations in the future, and be a victim of this more often. It could also damage your mindset, making you do things to gain public acceptance, rather than for yourself. In an extreme form, it could lead to you beginning doing it on someone else, for many different reasons.  

You should never do something you do not want to do, because someone is saying it. Even if it is for something good. For example, in a scenario like giving money to charity, you should do it out of your own will, not because someone has made you do it.  

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