They are defined as memories, thoughts, feelings, voices, and urges. They DO NOT define you. We as humans tend to always search for solutions. Judge or try and control things and justify when dealing with intrusive thoughts. You must let them flow away, don’t give too much attention to them, or they will get stronger and more uncomfortable to deal with. Never let the mind control you. Control your mind and never be a slave to your mind as it will be a never-ending cycle.
The problem is wanting relief from fear and anxiety. The mind will often throw more obstacles at you. C77reating more stress and it’s a never-ending battle with your mind and trying to please it.
They just compulsions If we learn to have good morals and values they will realize that we are not our thoughts, we are the opposite. Then the thoughts become harmless and not important.
This most likely happens when the mind is not productive, distracted, occupied or faced with a task in front of them. There will be no space for those thoughts as a situation in front of the focus.
Mark freeman-“ if you don’t chase the stick your mind will stop throwing them” The summary of this quote is to let the thoughts go and ignore and find ways to distract your mind using the techniques below you will see improvements with practice.
How intrusive thoughts negatively affects your life ?
Intrusive thoughts often make people feel or question their morals. If they are a good person often leave many confused and distraught and uncomfortable through their day-to-day lives. Resorting to self-conflicting which physically leaves damage. Over things, they can’t understand or control. This may stop them from wanting to be around others in fear of them acting up on their intrusive thoughts. For e.g. hurt a child or family member when in fact they had no intentions of doing so. This leaves them feeling alienated from society at times.
Some who are religious would argue that often negative voices in their head, randomly occur symbolizes the devil so in other words, relating it to something morally wrong or negative when you think of how the devil is portrayed throughout religious teachings steal kill and destroy. He would like to steal your joy and destroy the mind in other words relating to intrusive thoughts that is the motive.
So what we could learn from this. The Devil is a distraction who likes to tempt people and lead them astray. Similar to instructive thoughts NEVER ACT UPON THESE THOUGHTS OR EXPERIMENTS OR EXPLORE as they will not go away that will most likely get you into trouble feeling uncomfortable and make a situation worse action you action justify. Is the mind’s way of tricking you into doing something that is not you.

- Remember they come and go however just know that is completely normal. Pushing them away only makes it stronger.
- Try out distractions keep busy and also I would say new skills hobbies surround yourself with the comfortable environment not just in your room or closed
- Just know that they are not your thoughts as sadistic and twisted they may seem at times.
- Relationship between Intrusive thoughts and OCD Obsessive compulsions. Similarly to have intrusive thoughts. How it forms, And why do we have it.
- Therapy for reassurance will give you breathing techniques to focus on the present
- Simply verbalizing what happens may seem uncomfortable but writing them down is a way of resurfacing yourself.
- YouTube videos and people’s thoughts and discussions in the comments will show you that everyone goes through it, you’re not alone.
- Reading books and highlighting points that resonate with you.
- Simply talk to a trusted friend and how uncomfortable it’s making you feel.
YouTube videos on meditation bring you to the present focusing on breathing tricks, the mind, and forgetting about the memory when your focus is shifted to the present. Repeating this good practice will be a new technique that will improve how you deal with intrusiveness. Practice will only mean that you see improvements. A Percentage of people have seen improvements using meditation techniques.
Hobbies help distract the mind, shifting the focus onto something beneficial like the gym for example. laying in bed environments like that give time and space for intrusive thoughts to attack by being inside or not interacting. This all makes space for your negative thoughts to set off and that’s not good. So factors such as environment do play a key role in intrusive thoughts reoccurring.
Another factor is to try and make healthy encounters with people. Do stuff that is memorable in a positive way. This will often that will not only help silence the mind but it will show you that you are a good person. Finally, educating the mind. YouTube videos and people’s thoughts and discussions in the comments will show you that everyone goes through it and you’re not alone.
It is reported that the majority of people face intrusion once in their life. This indicates that it is an ordinary thing that will happen to everyone at once but it is not that the problem, it’s about how we choose to deal with it and not let it affect you.
Intrusive thoughts appear randomly, seem uncomfortable and are very sarcastic. That’s why it negatively affects day to day life.always remind them that they don’t define you. Don’t let the mind control you. Just like how you would take control of your life. The more ignored and not focusing attention the will be things of the past.
Using these techniques and advice you will see changes in the way you do things. Sharing this with others to see if they face similar struggles. We aim to help many people facing similar struggles and make life a more enjoyable experience rather than a task detrimental or claustrophobic.