Healthy communication is key in a relationship. You should be able to communicate effectively with your partner to maintain a healthy, loving relationship. Lack of communication can cause issues such as insecurity, lack of trust and emotional dissatisfaction. There are many relationships that end because of the lack of communication as they may begin to lose interest in that relationship because they are not getting what they emotionally need from it.
Furthermore, healthy communication in a relationship makes it easier to manage issues that arise. It is important to talk to your partner to form a bond and have trust and openness in the relationship. Without it, the relationship likely won’t work out.
Why is communication so important in a relationship?
When it comes to love and relationships, communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Communication can help with telling our partners how we feel about certain things and to solve misunderstandings. You won’t always agree with your partner and this is where communication comes into it. Talk to each other, see the others point of view, and try to come to an agreement.
It takes time to build trust and this is another reason why communication is important in a relationship. Trust is the biggest factor in a relationship and when you trust someone you are building not only yours, but their confidence up. Trust can be really scary, but your partner shouldn’t make you feel scared to trust them. With effective communication you will feel safe and vulnerable around your partner, like you can tell them anything without feeling judged or misunderstood.
How to build trust in a relationship
Be honest – Honesty is the best policy, especially when it’s in a relationship. If there is no trust in the relationship, there is no relationship. Be honest even if it’s going to hurt your partner, a relationship is built on honesty and trust.
Ask questions – This reassures your partner that they are cared for and loved. If you don’t ask, you won’t get the answers you are looking for.
Be vulnerable – Being vulnerable is scary for a lot of people because they don’t want to get hurt. However, to really know and trust your partner, you both need to be vulnerable to be able to confide in each other.
Show empathy – When your partner is confiding in you, it is important to be empathic. Try and understand their feelings and support them in any way you can.
Don’t make assumptions – This is a big thing that makes relationships fail. It shows distrust in your partner and can cause insecurities on both sides and eventually will lead to the end of the relationship if not dealt with.
Set boundaries – This is to avoid upset in relationships. You know what you deserve and need, and it is important to set these boundaries so that your partner understands what is not and what is ok for you.
Be consistent – There is nothing worse than inconsistency. In a relationship, you, and your partner sort of depend on each other. You shouldn’t feel like it takes a lot of effort for communication from your partner.
What are the effects of lack of communication?
Insecurities – Without communication, insecurities are likely to occur. Your partner will constantly question themselves as to why you won’t talk to them and why you do or say certain things. It makes people question their worth in the relationship.
Problems – When there are problems in the relationship and there is no open communication, arguments are more likely to occur instead of communicating the issue which will just make the issue worse.
Lack of trust – There is no way for your partner to trust you without communication. Trust is vital within a relationship, which means so is communication.
Cheating – Many relationships result in cheating as with no open communication with your partner, it may result in them finding it elsewhere and is always to do with emotional dissatisfaction. If someone feels alone in their relationship and someone else gives them that emotional support, it is easy to slip into.
How to recognise poor communication?
Emotionally shutdown – This usually causes someone to be expressionless, have a tedious tone and usually responds with one-word answers.
Passive aggressive behaviour – People usually are passive aggressive when they are hiding anger instead of communicating.
Using aggressive speech – This could be by raising their voice/shouting, blaming, or criticising.
Ignoring issues – Instead of communicating the issue, they just pretend there is no issue and this can lead to more bigger issues in the future.
They bring up the past – Usually when there is no open communication, issues don’t get resolved which results in past issues being brought up which can be very draining for both parties.
Lying – Without trust and communication, lies are likely to occur whether it’s white lies or big lies. Lying is a big red flag in a relationship as you should be able to trust each other and communicate effectively.
Can my relationship still work without communication?
Relationships won’t work without communication. However, it is never too late to start. If your relationship is something you really want to work, try to incorporate healthy communication. Don’t force it, start with small talk. Tell your partner how you feel about it and if things don’t change then you have to do what is best for your own sake.
Address issues with your partner like when they are upset. Allow them to vent and listen to what they are saying and try to support them. Take your partner’s feelings seriously.
Make communication a habit. Commitment to make the relationship work will result in the changes you have been wanting to see. It won’t change overnight. Care and nurture of the relationship takes time. Building trust takes time.
In conclusion, without effective and healthy communication, we may start to feel isolated and misunderstood. It is important to talk to your partner and understand their mind and how they feel. A relationship is a partnership and it needs to be treated with love and care. Be honest with each other and learn to trust. You should feel safe and be able to communicate freely with your partner. A relationship works as a support system, you go to your partner when you are feeling down, angry or stressed. However, with the absence of effective communication, it won’t be.