Stress is something that come into everyone’s life. No matter how wealthy, successful, or happy you are, you will always run into stressful situations. Stress is something that will happen if you are going through a tough situation in your life. It can be caused by financial issues, socials problems, mental health/anxiety, or personal difficulties. The feeling of stress can be suffocating, as it will linger in your mind. This then makes is more difficult to focus on other things in your life, and could lead to you falling into depression overtime, as you are unable to manage it. Therefore, in this article, I will go over different ways you can use in order to manage your stress levels.
When you start to feel stress, this is a sign that your muscles are starting to tense. This means it is important you relax your muscles, as it can also make you calmer as well. There are different types of ways you can do this. Stretching is one way you can reduce your stress levels. Similar to regular exercise, stretching can reduce the amount of cortisol (known as the stress hormone) in your body, and can lessen the amount of adrenaline you may feel. Stretching is a lot easier, manageable, and less time consuming then exercise.
It is also important that you are having enough sleep regularly. Not too much, or not too little. Too much sleep could lead to laziness, and in some cases depression. Having too little sleep could lead to a lack of concentration, and will drain your body out. Both of these could then further lead to becoming more stressed regularly.

Opening up
Opening up about your problems, is another way you can ease off stress. This could be to a therapist, a friend or a family member. As long as it is someone you can trust. Being able to talk to someone is good in many different ways. Firstly, it can help loosen the pressure that has been put onto you. Rather than holding it all inside you all the time, it allows you to find closure. It can also help you in looking at your problem, for a different angle or perspective. Sometimes, we have a problem that we might not know how to deal with. It can be very effective to find someone from the outside, who can look in, and seek the problem. Especially, a therapist as they specialise in this, meaning they are a lot more knowledgeable for situations like this.
Having a routine can make you feel like you have your life organised, and planned. This is good as it could make you feel as if you are doing good in your life, feeling less lazy. Sometimes, you can feel stressed in life due to you feeling like you not doing enough. With a routine, you can be in control of what you are doing, how much free time you have, and how much time you dedicate to working. It is important to make sure you are managing your routine in a way that is best for you. You should not have a routine that is too lenient/easy for you, or too overwhelming/hard.
If your routine is too lenient on you, it will just lead to you being too lazy. Overtime, this could lead to you losing interest in the routine, and abandoning it after a bit. On the other side, if your routine is way too strict, it can become very exhaustive, and can sabotage your overall health. This can also lead to you dropping the idea of a routine.
The things we eat and drink can also have an effect on us. It is important to manage how much you eat, and the types of things you consume in your daily life. For example, a lot of people drink tea, and coffee, which contains caffeine. Caffeine is known to reduce your ability to deal with stress, making it more difficult for you to overcome that feeling. This means that for those who drink too much coffee, or tea could lead to it becoming more difficult for you to manage your stress. Also, during a stressful situation, some people have an increase in appetite causing them to stress eat. This is not good as it can cause an imbalance in your body if you are suddenly eating at one point. Especially if you begin stress eating in the night, as it makes it difficult for you to fall asleep.
Also, eating junk foods, or foods that are not good for you, can have various negative impacts on your body. Overtime, this can make you insecure about your body, which could increase your stress levels when around other people. It is extremely important that you eat healthy, and maintain a discipline towards eating foods that are good for you. This is because they will positively impact your body, and reduce your stress levels in the long term.
In conclusion, everyone will experience stress in their lives countless times. Money, success, and happiness cannot stop that in anyway, meaning we are all prone to it. Therefore, it is crucial that we understand how to be able to deal with it, and not get consumed by the pressure it brings. I went through many different ways you can use in order to be able to manage your stress levels, and be in control.
The first one was to simply relax. This could be done by having a good sleep, finding comforting things like having a massage (for example), or stretching. These things enable your muscles to stop tensing which can give you more ease. Secondly, opening up to someone is something very important as it allows you to unload your stress, and find closure by opening up. It can also help you find some solution when seeing something from a different perspective. Thirdly, I went through how efficient a routine can be in making you feel like you are doing the best you can, and not being lazy. Finally, your daily intake is something you must take care of, as the even the foods we eat, can reflect on what we feel.