
How to overcome laziness

4 Mins read

Some people are more prone to be lazy than others but even those who are productive and motivated can still struggle to get things done at times. Being lazy can happen when you have things that need to be done but you just sit and do nothing. This could be because doing things like chores you find boring. Maybe it is making you feel overwhelmed and you can’t find the energy to get up and do it. People don’t necessarily want to be lazy. They don’t know how to find the motivation to just get up and get things done. It can be hard especially if you work or have children or both as this can take up a lot of your energy so when you’re home you just want to sit and be lazy.

Here are some tips to help you overcome your laziness.

Find the real issue

Being lazy isn’t usually the problem itself, it is a symptom but what is it a symptom of? You need to find what is the problem that is making you less productive and lacking motivation. Maybe you’re tired, overwhelmed, hurting or are just stuck and uninspired. Whatever it is, if you find what the issue is you can figure out a way to get past it. Finding the problem is the first step in addressing it and fixing it.

Now if you find the cause you can focus on how to fix it and overcome it. It can be hard to get out of the bad habit of being lazy but with some time and commitment you can help it. If you’re tired, find the time to relax and get a good night’s sleep, this will help increase your energy and clear your mind. It can also help with your motivation, being well rested helps you feel refreshed and ready for the day ahead. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, break it up into smaller sections, you don’t have to do it all at once. Try making a list and ticking it as you go along.

When you’re hurting you need time to heal so if this is the problem maybe it’s grief or sadness then give yourself some time. Don’t put pressure on yourself to get everything done, everyone needs a break, do what you feel capable of until you’re feeling better. When you’re feeling uninspired it can be hard to find motivation, try and change up your routine, maybe play some upbeat music. Think about if you can change anything that will make it more enjoyable. 

Get organised

Being unorganised and living in clutter can make anyone feel down and put you in a low mood state. Try and keep things organised this way it will make it easier to keep things looking tidy and make chores a whole lot easier. You could try organising one thing at a time whether that is your kitchen cupboards or your desk. If everything has a place then this will help in the long run, you get something out then you put it back where it belongs. This makes cleaning up easier and less clutter around the house. Make it a habit to return things where it belongs. Another way to keep organised is making lists of what needs to be done and tick off as you go. This makes it easier for you to see what needs to be done and what has already been done.

Praise yourself

It’s easy to be hard on yourself when you find yourself being lazy. But it’s important to remember to practise positive praises to yourself. Negative self-talk like telling yourself your lazy will only make things worse. Instead tell yourself well done for getting the dishes done or putting your clothes away. Try positive talking like instead of saying ‘I can’t do that it takes too long’ say ‘I can get that done I won’t take long’. Also, other ways you can praise yourself is by rewarding yourself. Tell yourself if you get that vacuuming done you can then sit down and have a cup of tea after. Giving yourself rewards after completing tasks can be a big help in motivation.

Think of the benefits

Think of how getting up and doing something would make you feel. If you’re just wasting time lying in bed or sitting watching tv then it will affect how you feel about yourself. But say you get up and do some yoga, think of how great it will make you feel. It doesn’t have to be something big that you do. Simple things like cooking breakfast or making your bed to start you off will better your mindset. If you get up every morning and make a routine, maybe get up, make your bed, do yoga and cook breakfast. If you do this every morning it will become a habit. It will start to become easy and become a natural thing you do. 

Start your day off right

Don’t hit that snooze button, instead jump out of bed and start your day. It can be so easy to just press snooze and get that extra 5 mins in bed but it becomes a habit and that 5 mins turns into 30 mins and so on. This isn’t a good habit to have especially when you have things to do and places to be. Try putting your alarm clock away from your bed so that you have to get up and out of bed to turn it off. This will allow your body and mind to wake up and you’re less likely to get back into bed. 

Don’t sit down yet

Some people find it so easy to just sit down when they have so much on their to do list. Don’t allow yourself to sit down just yet, always check what needs doing or do something productive before you sit down. If you sit down before getting anything done you’re less likely to get back up and do it. For example, before you sit down and look around, do you need to wash up? Go and do it, then after you can sit down.

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