It can be a great way to enjoy some time whether working on homework, gaming, reading a book, etc. it can give you a positive feeling and can also give some good vibes. It helps to relax the mind or can give you a mix of emotions depending on what type of song you are listening to at the time. Not only can music be a good way to help with mental illness, but it also can be in general a good way to help you get through the day!
Music and its effects on the brain
It has great effects on the brain. It can help encourage you, keep your brain engaged with tasks, help you to focus, relax and even improve sleep. Yes, it can have its negative effects too.
Positive effects on the brain
- Improve sleep
- Keep your brain engaged
- Improve mental health
- Encourages positive behaviour
- Brings back positive feelings
- Can help to improve memory
- Improves creativity
- Can bring back memories

Negative effects on the brain
- Can encourage negative reactions
- May cause negative emotion
- It can affect mental health negatively (e.g., making depression worse, can’t calm you down)
- Loud music can affect your health in general
- Can make you lose sleep
- Can encourage bad behaviour
Why music is good for you in general
It has many positive effects though it can also have its negative effects. However, mostly positive things come from listening to music. It can help boost your mind and help you feel very relaxed and calm. The type of music can affect you differently too! Pop is catchy so you can listen to it when exercising. You may want to sit and listen to it whilst working too or to just relax on the bus on your way home. Music can really help you to relax during the day. It can also bring people together, you share the same musical interest as someone, and this can encourage making friends.
Why is music good for mental illness?
For people with mental illness, music can help them in several ways. As someone with anxiety, it helps me to also get through my day. When I am on the bus, I feel uneasy and nervous, especially when I am traveling alone. I always make sure to bring my headphones with me when I go out because when I feel nervous, I will put my headphones into my ears and will play some slow music. When I listen to a song like Adele – easy on me, it makes me feel calmer.
It helps me to cope, I’ll sit next to a window mostly and will watch outside as I’m listening to the song and focus on that. This helps me to take a deep breath and remind myself that I am going to be alright. It may do this for someone else with mental illness, it may help you to control the negative feelings you are feeling. In general music has helped me to slip away from reality and disconnects my mind away from the negative emotion I feel. It can help the brain to relax and allow you to breathe and take in the situation. It may help you to focus and encourage you to continue especially with things like working or exercise.

Ways music can help you with mental illness
When having a mental illness, finding that one way to cope with the overwhelming emotions and negative effects is always important. It helps not only your brain but just in general your own wellbeing. I asked a few of my friends how it makes them feel. Some of them have explained that they feel a sense of relief because music is relaxing for them, and that music is a good way to express how they are feeling in general “there is this thing that you get from music that you just can’t get anywhere else.” – yonessu07
Others have said, depending on the type of music they listen to it can give them different feelings.
“My feelings will often follow the mood I am feeling during the days and my mood can change in many ways. Music usually follows the vibe of the music to a certain extent.
Sad music makes me sad, calm chill music makes me relax, fast-paced music makes me hyped, etc. I guess a lot more people feel like this in general. However, if I experienced strong emotions when listening to a certain song, that song will bring me back to that moment. it feels weird, but when life is hard it’s a good way to brighten the day a little.” – Renrev
Others just explain that it is a good way to relax.
“I just listen to music to relax mainly, but I don’t really think of how I feel when listening.” – Shenzo01
As you can see music has a strong positive effect on people’s emotions and helps to help others relax, feel good, be hyped, which helps the vibe. It is a powerful source and those with mental illness can use it and take advantage of the way music is to help them to relax and enjoy their life or take time away from it by using music to disconnect from reality. It doesn’t affect you in ways that alcohol does, it doesn’t affect your health in bad ways either. Music has a huge effect on your mood and the way you go by your days. If you listen to music daily in a healthy way, you can find an interest in what others like too. It may help you feel and connect with the world differently.