Mental HealthResources

How do people’s reactions affect us and our confidence?

4 Mins read

When people react to things we do, it has an impact on how we see ourselves. People who react positively can impact the way we see ourselves in a good way. It’s the same for when someone reacts negatively to something we do, it can impact us in a bad way. This can affect our confidence and also emotionally impacts us in positive and negative ways. 

Reactions what are they?

A reaction is an action, feeling, or a thought spoke out loud which is to respond to someone else’s actions, thoughts, clothing, etc. An example of a reaction is, watching someone fall over. Some people will laugh, others worry, and some will get up to help immediately. Reactions vary from person to person, everyone acts differently and has different personalities. So, reactions can be very different.

How can a person’s reaction affect our brain?

Each action from someone’s reaction can have a different impact on the brain. If we start off with someone’s harsh words being the reaction to something you wear, this has a negative impact. The impact of harsh words can cause stress and anxiety. So the brain is releasing the stress and anxiety-inducing hormones. Whereas, kind words can have a positive impact causing the brain to kick start the motivational centers in the brain. This helps to improve cognitive reasoning and also strengthens the frontal lobes of the brain. Positive and negative words have a huge impact on us on a deep psychological level. It also affects our lives in a significant way because it affects how we see ourselves and our actions making us do things less or more, etc. It impacts the outcome of our lives.

How do people’s reactions affect us positively?

As stated before, each person can react to you differently. Some may like what they are reacting to, others not so much, and also many may not even care. Reactions can really change the way we see things and make us do things differently or keep doing the same things. Also, our reactions affect people too so keep that in mind. But how do reactions affect us positively? Well in many ways actually. 

Positive reactions have a big impact on our confidence but I will talk about that later. Firstly, reactions can make you do good actions more in the future. For example, maybe you helped someone and they reacted with kindness, you will feel good and that feeling of doing a good deed sticks with you making you want to help people more. Also, someone reacting to the way you dress with a compliment can make you feel happy and you also get a raise in self-esteem making you feel good almost always. 

Negative reactions can also have a positive impact. Negative reactions allow us to see the wrongs in what we do. A good example of this could be upsetting someone you care about by acting in a wrong way. Perhaps over drinking alcohol or you said harsh words. Although you will feel bad because of this it also makes you understand the impact your actions have on others around you. This in return makes it so you don’t do it again. 

How do people’s reactions affect us negatively?

Everything can have a negative impact and reactions are no different. The most that negative reactions can do is affect our mental and emotional state. That and our confidence also suffer as a result of this. So, the negative impacts of compliments are several things. 

Reactions that create negative effects are mostly bad reactions to something you have done. The positive reactions give you happier thoughts, calm you down, and bring you closer to others. However, negative reactions can cause nervousness, stress, and more anxiety. This is caused because of the way that reactions affect our brain. It causes the anxiety hormones to be released. However, you can avoid these feelings by trying to be kind and reduce the chances of people reacting in negative ways. We do know that harsh words can affect us however by lowering our confidence rapidly since some people are not so kind. 

How do people’s reactions affect our confidence positively?

If you can get some positive reactions, you get a boost in confidence and self-esteem. If someone reacted to the way you dressed in a good way with a compliment or a smile, you would feel good about yourself. This in return makes you want to wear more things like that. It’s the same if someone compliments you or reacts with applause to something you enjoy and a good example of this is singing. Getting a good reaction to something you dream of doing can make you want to fulfill that dream and continue to learn to get better at it. Sometimes you don’t see it but a simple smile as a reaction can really impact the way you see yourself. It can make you see that you are beautiful no matter what anyone says. It just boosts your confidence and self-esteem in a huge way.

How do people’s reactions affect our confidence negatively?

People reacting negatively can have a huge impact on our confidence and self-esteem. You may find that the harsh words in reaction to something you wear, do, or say can hurt. This affects you by making you sad, stressed, and causes anxiety and depression. If people are horrible in such a way it comes under bullying. As someone who was bullied and saw a lot of negative reactions to even small things, I know this affected my confidence a lot. I became shy and nervous, I was always upset and lonely because of this. I became quiet and tried to not attract attention, this also affected my confidence because I was too shy to meet new people and too anxious they may react the same to people in the past. 

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