Any time in the year, people struggle with stress, anxiety disorder and depression. But, as for the recent events and the Christmas period, many have often been pressured. This can affect their mental health in many ways.

How Do People Feel?
Every individual has different feelings when it comes to Christmas. For example, you have the feelings of loneliness or feel left out because others are happy when you’re not. You wish you didn’t have to find Christmas stressful and to cope with it because of all the situations going on in your life. And, you tend to fell irritated by people’s viewpoint on their version of Christmas.

The Effects of Mental Health During Christmas
The Christmas season could affect your mental health in other ways too. Like, your mental health issue may be difficult for you to spend time on Christmas and to enjoy yourself. The stressful events at Christmas could make your mental health worse. You could be financially stressed because you might not able to get Christmas gifts for your loved ones, and children. Having a life of a party at Christmas may also affect your mental health, for instance if you feel over-active and excited when set off hypomania or mania. During this time, it can be difficult to access helpline services when you need the help the most. Some of the services might be closed during Christmas season.
Your last Christmas experience might affect your feelings about this Christmas, as the restrictions have been brought back, and the Omicron virus has been spread. As well as, the coronavirus cases have been rising up again. New year may also be a tough experience, if looking back at bad and upsetting memories. It may cause you to worry about anything coming your way in 2022.
Looking At The Positive Side Of Things
It is true that people have mixed emotions when it comes to Christmas. But, look at the bright side. No matter what situations you are going through, you are surrounded by others who give you a lot of love and care. It is nice to be around everyone in this time of the year, and to be able spend time with your loved ones and have fun.
If helpline services are not available, there is always someone in your group you could talk to. You can openly talk to your parents or friends, as long as you’re comfortable. Don’t handle your situations alone. Whether, if you celebrate Christmas or not, just know that you are not alone. You should enjoy yourself and be happy.