Mental HealthResources

How a good morning routine affects you

4 Mins read

Qualities of a good morning routine

how does a good morning routine affect your mental health. Sun in sky

Usually, it is down to habits and when you practice and keep good habitats  

Self-care- this may include a simple morning shower to wake the mind up skincare routine. Shaving. Picking outfits for the previous morning to feel prepared  

Yoga/ exercise for about 10-20mins a quick stretch goes a long way. This is scientifically proven to help boost mood and flexibility. Plus you are keeping fit in general so implementing this into your routine will very beneficial you  

Reading in the morning boosts vocabulary.  

Daily affirmations in the morning for a healthy confidence boost could affect how you greet or converse with people. Simply tell yourself everything you like about yourself write it down and read it in the morning.

This all stimulates the mind. These things tend to wake the mind and you are more likely to be active when having a good start to the day.

Also, things such as eating a good breakfast for energy throughout the day.

Many people don’t eat breakfast in the morning. However breakfast is the most important meal of the day, many of us skip this. Often feeling sluggish and not as motivated or powered up to complete tasks throughout the day. Their mind will be thinking about hunger and distracted because of it, so it does affect how you are through your day. Also detoxing teas is great and people typically take them in the morning to flush the system from previous night.  

Try opting for things like blueberries, which has proven to stimulate the brain. Or simply having some Eggs this contains protein this is all good for the body.

Some even shoes to set a goal of drinking is on about a mortar and that starts with in the morning stay hydrated as hydration is key and has proven to boost mood  

I would advise that social media first thing in the morning may drain your energy. The constant scrolling is not stimulating the mind or healthy. It’s filling the mind with junk. This could also leave you feeling sluggish and not ready to jump up and start the day. A day that is negatively affecting mental health  

Also, if you are quite sensitive you may see something online that affects your mood. Focusing on yourself or doing something productive is much healthier long term as social media serves no purpose in benefiting your mental wellbeing. It will leave you not as motivated or stuck in one spot  

If you compare being productive in the morning that will shine throughout the day. This will lead to a better more productive quality of life  

Whereas if you think social media or just not eating food in the morning, will have no positive effects or become beneficial in the morning. 

I would say repeating this knowing you have something to look for that is beneficial to you. This will make you feel more alive and it will make you want to tackle the day ahead.  

Study suggests that having a routine will affect one’s personality and how they interact with others based on if they do things in the morning rather than at night. The more practice the less it will feel like a task. Your conscience will understand that you are doing something healthy and boost your mood. This will mean you will be nicer to the ones around you, co-workers, family members, friends, your kids. 

The great distraction from the negative things keeping the mind busy pushes out negative thoughts. This typically knocks your mood and potentially ruin your morning, but this will be a healthy distraction.  

By having a morning routine is proven to slow down procrastination by a percentage. The mind is awake and ready to work. 

What is procrastination?

Good morning routine. Alarm clock

When a person typical pushes back tasks or things on to-do list and easily gets distracted. They will put it off till the next day and opt for comfort or something that takes less effort. This is a bad habit but by developing a healthy morning routine, this will ensure that you don’t procrastinate as much. 

Having a morning routine is all about eliminating bad habits and ones that are not beneficial to the mind or boosting your mood.  

Psychological advantages of having a morning routine 

Morning routines help with efficiency 

To be helping with things such as anxiety and stress you prepare in the morning. This will bring down stress levels and will make you less anxious for the day ahead. Knowing that you’ve planned and your mind is more relaxed that is proven to boosts mood.

This is also good for people who have long-term goals and gives a sense of purpose focusing on themselves. 

Having a routine is lead to freedom rather than you being sluggish and not achieving anything. In fact routines and all these positive things lead to more freedom to play. You want to be to a place where you want to be. It is helping you achieve goals in the last steps that you make in the morning. It’s all contributing to your goals and what you aspire to be.

Being productive in the morning leaves us with more time to do the things that were truly love  

Gets us closer to it gets us closer to our goals and aspirations. Having this daily routine in the minutes or bad habits and negativity and poor decisions.

Finally, this gives us more time by having a routine. This leaves us with more time to spend with the ones of you love. Things that we choose to do what you love doing. It is a great way to have a structure to live. Structure give this more purpose and more meaning.

Your current habits make you feel and think about these things. How your current habits make you feel spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Look at the hours to see if you need to work on or adjust them.

Self-discipline and self-control by having these good habits. A good morning routine helps us pick up on like some good qualities. For example, learning self-control and discipline is a good trait to have. Throughout life while practising them in the morning, this is working on our souls. Getting us to be the best version of ourselves. We will be strong for strengthening the good trades that we already have obtained.

You can take smaller steps and can start small down work your way up. Even if you see yourself falling off you will see the difference between not having a routine and having routine. You see the reasons why you started it in the first place. To see what the purpose behind it was and see yourself having this urge to start again.

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