Mental Wellbeing Network


If you have heard of the saying an idle mind is the Devil’s workshop you will truly understand these words when you are at a low point in your life. When you feel lonely and bored you tend to feel your worst and that’s when you get bad thoughts especially when you are forced to be by yourself as seen during the lockdowns and quarantining in this Covid pandemic. Find more information below on how having a hobby can help you in these tough times.

As humans, we are naturally social beings and are driven by being productive members of society and our communities. You feel genuinely happy and motivated when you feel like you are a part of something bigger than you are, like a small piece of a puzzle-solving the wider issue whatever it may be. 

What hobbies to choose from

Learning a new skill, doing something outdoors, reading, or doing something musical or creative are all fantastic ways to spend your spare time and unwind from your regular routine. What do you enjoy and what do you feel enriches your life? Some ideas could be archery, for example, it’s a good way to keep fit and help your hand-eye coordination. Learning an instrument like the Piano, a classic pastime that helps the imagination flow also helps memory grow stronger.

Spending time on an activity that you enjoy can improve your mental health and wellbeing. According to research, people who have hobbies are less likely to suffer from stress, low mood, and depression. Activities that get you out of the house can make you happier and calmer. Team sports and other group activities can help you develop your communication skills and relationships with others.

Your passions could be creative, athletic, academic, or something entirely unique to you. You might choose a hobby that you can do alone or with others. Whatever your interests are, there is bound to be a pastime for you out there. What counts is that you find it meaningful and entertaining. If you find classic hobbies boring or repetitive you could try searching for new trending hobbies such as blogging which keeps the mind active.

We hope after reading this it has benefited you in some way and you hopefully pass on this information to others who may be struggling as well during the pandemic. Stay safe and look out for family and friends.

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