‘Health is wealth,’ is a saying you may have heard or stumbled across countless times throughout your life. However, the meaning behind such a simple quote offers a greater understanding of how we can build a healthier and better life for ourselves.
For many people, wealth is something to strive for. Whether that be in the form of personal or material success such as promotions, money or a new car. This singular focus results in a life consumed by work, spending countless hours in the office only to come home and continue where you have left off. It also results in a reliance on processed foods which are quicker and more convenient. However, this can have a negative impact on our health as we cannot exercise regularly or implement a well-balanced diet. This lifestyle not only takes its toll on our physical health but also on your mental health. The culmination of these factors increases the likelihood of stress and depression. Therefore, the idea of ‘good health’ refers to not just an individual whose body is free of illness and disease but their complete physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well-being.

How to live an optimal lifestyle
The ability to achieve what many would call a healthy, optimal lifestyle is first and foremost a mindset. This mindset is not something that can be forced, but rather a way of living. Therefore, as this journey needs to start with you it is important to be able to pinpoint your motivation which could come about due to a health scare or simply wanting to better yourself.
Below we will discuss the steps you can take to live a healthier lifestyle.
Become more physically active
When starting to exercise you should remember that any amount of exercise is good exercise. This could be done by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a walk during your break. These small lifestyle changes implemented over time is the best route to follow in your journey. This is because there are too many people who decide to lead a healthier lifestyle but make the mistake of introducing large changes or too many changes to their life immediately.
This can prove detrimental to your progress as your body has not had the time to adapt to these changes. Eventually this will result in you feeling overwhelmed as you will start to tell yourself that a healthy lifestyle is not worth the hassle and there is no telling when you may decide to revisit this. However, the people who do stick with this route will have a lower risk of developing several long-term conditions. Such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The benefits on your mental health cannot be overlooked as physical activities can improve your mood, sleep, self-esteem as well as reducing your risk of clinical depression and stress.
A healthy, well-balanced diet would consist of foods such as those rich in zinc, omega fatty acids and other vital nutrients because they will keep your brain working to its highest potential. By adding fibre rich food such as whole grain wheat and rice into your diet it will help improve your digestive system.
Sleeping pattern
It is important not to downplay the importance a good night’s sleep can have on your overall health. Factors such as stress and screen time can result in a lack of sleep. This can result in weight gain as sleep-deprived people have an increased level of ghrelin, the hunger stimulating hormone and reduced levels of leptin, a chemical that controls appetite by signalling to your brain to stop eating. To help wind down and relax before bed you can try having a warm bath. This will help your body reach a temperature that is more ideal for rest. You should also avoid using any electronic device before bed as the light from the screen can effect your sleep.