Female doctor saying We're here to help.
Click on me and I’ll direct you to the Contact page. You can contact us on our form or call the necessary helplines provided for support.

If you are concerned about developing a mental health issue, we advise you as your priority, to seek the advice and support from your GP. If you are worried and in need of immediate help and unable to see a GP, you should visit your local A&E.

You can also see a psychiatrist or a therapist. For children and young people who go to school, speak to a member of staff. If you don’t feel comfortable about speaking on the issues to what we have suggested, then try talking to your parents, or friends. Specifically, anyone who you have a close bond with.

Asking for help is never something to be ashamed of; if you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health then don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If you are struggling, try speaking to some of these people:

• Family and friends
• Your doctor
• Online professionals from organisations like, YoungMinds, ChildLine, and others.

If someone you know is struggling then it can be a bit harder to help if they are refusing it. So some good things that you can do are:

  • Make yourself available.
    • By showing that you’re willing to help and making yourself available it will urge the person struggling to open up to you. It may take time for them to gain the confidence that they need.
  • Don’t turn someone away.
    • If you turn someone away or ignore someone that has actively asked for help it can make them feel alone which can lead to more issues.
    • If you are unable to offer help, then point them to a person that can help. Either suggest talking to someone that is more equipped or suggest a few self-help tips. It may not seem like much but to someone that is struggling it can mean the world to.
  • Share your own experiences.
    • If you feel comfortable and it is relevant then try sharing some of your own experiences. It will show that you’re actively listening and giving support. However, you’ve got to be careful that you don’t start making it about yourself. Keep it short and to the point, and if they ask more questions than feel free to share more. Don’t forget to share some tips and points that you may have used to help you get through a similar situation.
  • Actively listen.
    • By actively listening and paying attention to what someone is saying it will help you to formulate a better answer, it also shows that you care about the person.