Anxiety is your body’s natural reaction to stress. Some people suffer from anxiety attacks more than others, but they are not rare. Most people will have had an anxiety attacks some way or another through their life. Although most people will not realize that they are having one as they are not all expressed the same. For example, one person could have an anxiety attack where they cry and cannot breathe. However someone else could have an attack and their body expresses that by them going silent or biting their nails. Most people think anxiety attacks come along when they are nervous or upset but they are caused by stress which means they can happen any time they are just all built up emotions.

Depression is a quite common mental illness among many different age groups. A lot of people think that depression is when you feel sad and this is the case however there are many other side effects of depression such as lack of motivation, having angry outburst, just wanting to sleep all day. Having depression does not mean you cannot be happy sometimes too. Depression could mean that you might not want to get out of your bed or do simple tasks such as brushing your teeth or showering. Depression can also make you feel like not seeing friends or do things you usually enjoy, like playing football or shopping.
Body dysmorphia
Body dysmorphia is a mental disorder that makes the mind see your body if a different way. This could mean someone could be anorexic however no matter how they look at their body they will think that there overweight. This is not just for people with anorexia. What a lot of people do not know is that people who go to the gym a lot tend to have body dysmorphia in fact they are never happy with their body. Even someone in great shape who goes to the gym five times a week could have body dysmorphia as they are constantly wanting to improve their body. So, body dysmorphia is not about body image it about the brain telling you that your something you are not.

Schizophrenia is a mental illness where you have two or more personalities. Lot of schizophrenia cases are usually quite serious. Sometimes they can be dangerous. If someone has a spit personality and another one comes out, they will not be able to control their actions. However, a lot of schizophrenia cases are not usually known about. As a lot of the time they are just mistaken for mood swings. And people could take it in a bad way and think you are not genuinely nice, but you could just be having a schizophrenic episode.