Why do people take drugs?

People take drugs for variety of reasons. You tend to be curious, just want to try it, or under a bad influence by your friends or someone you know. You might enjoy it and may continuously have the experience. Another reason of having drugs is when you are upset, stressed or trying to cope with difficult situations in your life.
Drugs could help you get through tough times for a short amount of time. However, it can make you emotionally unstable. If it’s not temporary, you won’t have a sense of relief. You will be depending on yourself to take a lot more to deal with issues, but you will end up risking your life and creating new problems.
Most people and celebrities, such as Demi Lovato, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and serial killers like the cult leader, Charles Manson had taken drugs often or struggled with substance abuse. And for some people, alongside with mental health issues. As for everyone, they’ve had different experiences but has been difficult to overcome it. Drugs can be really addictive and hard to control.
Dual Diagnosis
There are some people who have substance abuse problem or mental health issue. When you have both substance abuse and mental health issue, such as depression, AD/HD, or anxiety, it is called ‘dual diagnosis’. It is extremely hard dealing with substance abuse, and it is even more difficult struggling with mental health problems.
Relating to dual diagnosis, the mental health issues and the addiction of drugs and alcohol have rare symptoms that might not let you concentrate at work or school, or even maintain a stable home life, manage difficult situations, and relate to others. The dual diagnosis can also affect both mental health and substance abuse. If a mental health problem is untreated, the substance abuse problem would get worse. And when there is a high level of alcohol and drug abuse, the level of mental health problems will rise too.
Feel free to speak to someone
Just know that these situations don’t get any better when they are ignored. They are most likely to get worse. It is important for you know that you don’t have to feel like this. Drugs and alcohol are not going to make you feel better within and out. There are things you could do to fight your demons, mend your relationships, go on a journey to recovery. You can talk to someone about your issues, get support and have self-care, so you could get your life back on track.
If you are struggling with substance abuse, please contact 999 for an ambulance or to go to the nearest A&E.
Book an appointment to talk to your GP or someone who specialises in mental health. They can give you guidance and help to prevent from drug and alcohol addiction.
You can also have an open, honest conversation with a therapist to help you work out your issues.