Borderline personality disorder
Coping with BPD in schools deals with the attitudes of different behaviours individuals may acquire. Borderline Personality disorders can occur in students and can affect the way they study and learn.
Coping with BPD in schools can become tough for students as they may suppress Emotions such as anger and frustration which are some of the feelings that affect those who have a borderline personality disorder. This means students and teenagers would have a very difficult time managing their routine such as handling academic studies or taking care of their affairs.
Students with personality disorders believe that they have been wronged and their thoughts and feelings are invalid. This can cause them to act irrationally due to misunderstandings. BPD is a dangerous health risk that can affect students in schools massively to the point where they may harm themselves.
Students who suffer from BPD have a high chance of committing suicide therefore they must seek medical attention. BPD often happens in the early stages of your teen years.
This can be due to several different factors that may trigger BPD. It is a condition that affects the way you interact and socialise with different individuals.
Causes of BPD
BPD can have many causes that can affect a student’s mental health significantly. Some of the causes include:
- Academic stress
- Trauma
- Abuse
- Neglect
- Frustration
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Unhealthy Relationships
- Loss of life
- Bereavement
These are some of the causes of BDP that can occur in students mainly teenagers however it can be treated. BDP is a well known medical condition that happens to many people. It can affect people of different backgrounds and genders.
BDP can affect students genetically. This means they may have family members who suffer from a borderline personality disorder.
Symptoms of BDP
There are different symptoms that come with BDP that has an impact on students and teens in general such as:
- Mentally unstable
- Disturbed
- Fear
- Self harm
- Mood swings
- Depression
These are some of the symptoms of BPD which can become short term or long term. Students with BPD will find that they would be failing in classes and their academic performance would be low. This can become disruptive and affect other teenagers.
Students would also have difficulty completing work or handing in assignments as they cannot control their condition. Therefore, they would skip class and have problems focusing on lessons.
Not treating BPD can come with serious damage to the student’s mental health and cause huge consequences. They may resort to drugs or become depressed.
Recognising and identifying the cause of BPD helps a lot as it calms down and gets rid of the negative thoughts and feelings the student is going through.
BPD can link in with other conditions such as bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders or even eating disorders. They can develop illnesses and cause a person to feel overwhelmed with fear.
Treatments of BPD
There are different treatments that help other people such as therapy or counselling to name a few.
A lot of students may find doing something they like or talking to someone about their condition can help as it allows others to understand what they are going through and provide any additional support the students may need in order to complete their education without any barriers.
Some of these treatments may last for more than one year but can lead to full recovery if the routine is followed. Gradually many students with BPD who has had the condition for a while may recover in good health.
Feelings and behaviours of BPD
Of course there are many behaviours and attitudes that come with a borderline personality disorder such as:
- Becoming lonely
- Feeling irresponsible
- Overwhelmed with fear
- Feeling a sense of dread
- Feeling trapped or suffocated
There are outcomes that come with these feelings and behaviours when Coping with BPD in schools which can ruin your life such as having suicidal thoughts, remaining depressed, not having any ambition, self harm and loss of self esteem.
The feelings and behaviours listed cause a person to think about the worst possible scenario that can happen to them and cannot handle the pressure or fear that is instilled within them.
These behaviours cause distress and disturbance to a person. Schools should do more to help their students as not enough resources or support facilities are not provided for students thus making them have to deal with BBPD alone.
In order to resolve these feelings, it is best to remain calm and think positive. It will help calm the nerves and remove any negative feelings that may cause you to feel depressed.
Self care and looking after your health
Students may not know how to deal with their condition and have no idea how to get rid of it. Students can contact support lines in their local area, use NHS advice that could be beneficial for them or do something that they love such as watch YouTube videos, go shopping or work out.
Coping with BPD in schools can help students stay motivated and take their minds off whatever problems they are currently facing if they get treated.
Alternatively, students can talk to someone who relates to them or read about their condition and how they can overcome the obstacles that are stopping them from learning.
Regularly taking medication can partially help you get rid of the symptoms temporarily thus attending to your condition often can heal you with time and make you a better person.
How Coping with BDP in schools affects students?
Some students may have excellent academic performance but would notice as days go by that their condition has caused a negative impact on their mental health which would result in them performing badly.
Coping with BPD can cause students to feel the effects of a lot of illnesses that may be linked with Borderline personality disorder. The student will have this constant fear that they will never be able to perform well in school thus giving up and not trying.
This makes it unbearable for them to attend classes and learn. The student would end up feeling exhausted and would take a break from academic classes but would, later on, sign up for many classes all at once making it very difficult to catch up on their school work or assignments.
This would result in them wanting to rush their education and hopefully be done with it which will not end well as they could end up with a lot of failing classes.
Students should take time and choose their academic subjects wisely and not partake in subjects that may deem too rigorous or difficult for them.