These treatments are referred to as such because they are not considered as part of standard medical treatments. It is important to note that for a number of these treatments more research is needed to determine their effectiveness. This means that you should not be solely reliant on them to treat your mental health problems. This explains why they are also used to describe therapies and treatment that can be used alongside conventional treatments.
Types of complementary treatments
There are a number of these treatments that are available for someone to try. This can include:
- Aromatherapy
- Acupuncture
- Mindfulness
- Massages
- Yoga
- Herbal medicine

This is a form of treatment that refers to the use of organic compounds called essential oils. These oils are made from parts of plants like their seeds, roots and leaves. Some of them include jasmine, basil, rose, lavender, chamomile and sandalwood, just to name a few. Its application can be used in the bath, diffused into the air and applied during massages. They are believed to help contribute to improving a person’s mood, their mental state and relieving stress.
However, you should be aware of certain risks that should be taken into consideration before starting aromatherapy. This includes the potential that some people could develop an allergic reaction to inhaling them. There also may be some people whose skin could become irritated by its application if it is not diluted first. In addition to this, despite the benefits they can have on your mental health they should not be considered as a replacement for professional care and treatment plans.
Acupuncture is a treatment whereby a practitioner will put small needles into your skin at specific points on your body. This is to stimulate sensory nerves in the muscles and under the skin. The result of this is that the body produces several natural substances like pain relieving endorphins. This combined with its ability to reduce serotonin levels in the brain can help to alleviate the symptoms of their associated mental health problems. It can also be used to help treat chronic pain and chronic tension-type headaches which can leave you feeling more relaxed and less tense.
Before booking yourself in for an acupuncture appointment it is a good idea to do some research into it. This will allow you to have a more thorough understanding of the benefits and potential side effects of it. You can also get a second opinion from a doctor or your local GP if you wish.
Mindfulness is a form of meditation that helps you become more attentive to the moment you are present in. It is believed that by being more tuned in and aware of the moment we are in it allows us to become more aware of the feelings and thoughts that we are having. We are also able to step back from these thoughts and begin to see a pattern that is forming. This can be a vital step in your treatment process as you will be able to learn how to deal with these thoughts and feelings. Therefore, these forms of therapy can be used to help a variety of mental health conditions. These can include depression, stress and anxiety.
You can learn this in a type of therapy called Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). There are several mindfulness techniques that can be used including meditation and breathing exercises. With mindfulness meditation it involves sitting in silence and focusing on the thoughts you are having on each breath and being able to revert your attention back when it starts to wander.
However, like with any complementary or alternative therapy in this article it is important to discuss them with your GP. This is so that you can both decide if this approach is the right one for you.
Yoga is a form of exercise that primarily works by implementing a variety of breathing techniques and flexibility to improve your physical as well as mental well-being. There are a number of benefits yoga can have on your mental health such as the relaxation of your muscles combined with the peaceful atmosphere and the calm music can help to reduce tension and stress. In addition to this the practise of yoga can also help reduce the effects of a burnout. This is because by becoming more in tune with your mind and body you are more likely to notice and listen to the warning signals, they are giving you. This improvement in your overall mental health and well-being can have a knock-on effect on other aspects of your life such as improving your sleep.
It is also worth remembering that if after your first yoga lesson you think that it is not for you then that does not have to be the end. This is because there are many different styles of yoga you can try. These can include Hatha, Vinyasa, Iyengar and Bikram yoga, to just name a few.
This is where a massage therapist will usually use their hands to manipulate the soft tissues in your body. This can help to release the tension built up in your body and will then help you to relax. It can also contribute to help relieve stress whilst also improving your mood and mental well-being. There are several types of massages you can try including a Swedish massage, hot stone massage or a Shiatsu massage.
Herbal medicine
Herbal medicine or herbal remedies are made from plants and can come in a number of different forms including as a powder, cream or liquid. When you are selecting an herbal medicine for yourself it is vital to look out for a traditional herbal registration (THR) mark or product license number on the packaging. This is to ensure that they are safe to use, contain the correct ingredients and the right dose. There are several herbal remedies that can be used to help alleviate the symptoms of some mental health conditions. These include St John’s Wort, sage, chamomile and roseroot/rhodiola rosea.
There is the chance that some of the remedies that are listed above could interact with the condition you have or the medication you are taking. Therefore, you should consult with your GP before taking any herbal medicines. It is also worth being aware of the risks that you could face from buying these medicines online. One of these risks is the fact that medicines that are manufactured outside the UK are not subject to regulations. There is also the possibility that they may contain banned ingredients. The consequences these can have on your health can be disastrous which means that it is important to obtain them from the right pathway.