The performance of meditation is increasing. More people are finding out how many benefits meditation will have for them. Meditation is a process of training your mind. You can use meditation for many different things such as redirecting your thoughts, reduce stress and develop concentration.
How to meditate
- Choose a mediation place. This should be a quiet cam relaxing place.
- Set a timer.
- Find a good position to mediate. Usually on the floor or on your bed cross legged is best, but whatever you are most comfortable with.
- Connect to the moment. Clear your mind of all thoughts and focus on what you are doing right now.
- Collect your thoughts. If they start to run away with you then refocus. This will get easier the more you practice.
- Focus on your breathing. Let your thoughts float while you think about how you are breathing.
- Start to connect with your surroundings again.

Reduce stress
Stress is a thing we all go though at some point in our lives. Some people are more stressed than others, but it is all about how we deal with it. Meditation is known for reducing stress. Sometimes that little time out can do more than you think.
Controls anxiety
For those who suffer from anxiety, its proven mediation will decrease the amount of anxiety attacks you have. 8 weeks of mediation practice is all it took for people to notice a decrease in their anxiety attacks.
Helps emotional health
It is known mediation can help improve self-image as well as self-love and having a more positive outlook on life. Inflammatory chemicals called cytokines are released when stressed. Meditation can decrease the levels released which in turn can decrease levels of depression.
Self awareness
Meditation can help you have a more Indepth understanding of yourself and your character. This can lead to better growth as you are able to identify where you need to improve and what you already admire about your character.
Helps attention span
Meditation is like weightlifting for your attention span. The more you practice meditation the better you can focus as you are training your brain muscles to redirect your thoughts when they start to go crazy. This also means meditation will be good for overthinkers as it teaches your brain to stay more focused.
Helps reduce age related memory loss
Improvement in focus and attention will help keep your brain young. Along with that you should be able to remember a lot more. Memory goes as you get older, this is normal. Earning how to meditate can help you keep hold of all your special memories.
Can generate kindness
A lot of unkindness stems from stress. For example, people tend to act out of anger and take things out on people. Meditation will reduce the amount of anger and stress inside of you meaning you will not have any to take out on people.
Improve sleep
Meditation before bedtime can help you get into that relaxed zone before you try and sleep. A better improved sleep will help in loads of areas. it is important for you to priorities your quality of seep for a happier life.
Assessable anywhere
There is no excuses when it comes to meditation. You only need yourself. You can meditate anywhere and everywhere (within reason)