GeneralMental HealthResources

Being plus size in summer

4 Mins read

As the weather warms up people start to wear less clothing to keep cool. For a larger person this can become a very intimidating time. They have grown to be comfortable with wearing their baggy and oversized winter outfits that hides their extra weight. Not feeling comfortable with yourself in these situations can turn out to be dangerous for both your mental and physical health. Luckily, things are now changing for plus sized people. 

How does it feel to be plus size as the weather warms up? 

As a plus size person you may feel really intimidated by the warmer weather. You feel like you cannot wear your winter clothing in the summer and as though you will look ridiculous. Warmer clothing is mostly short tops and bottoms, and you know you cannot wear what you feel comfortable in and covers you. Feeling like this can cause you to hide away in the warmer weather. This can cause you to become depressed and develop anxiety. Lack of sunlight can also negatively contribute to your mental health.  

You may find you grow to be jealous of slimmer people that are able to wear summer clothes and are comfortable doing this. Fantasizing about being a slimmer person can give you extraordinarily little self-worth. You can then turn self-conscious about how you look or start to idolise the way you want to look. This can turn into you developing an unhealthy state of mind. 

Physical health impact being plus size in warmer weather has 

As you now have a vision of how you want to look in the summer you start working towards this. Healthy eating and exercising in order to lose the extra pounds can be a good thing if it stays controlled. In some cases, people have become obsessed with weight loss, and this has caused different illnesses. You may become obsessed with trying to fit in with others. Eating disorders and excessive exercise can take over your life and impact both your mental and physical health. Although both are good for you in small doses when you become obsessed your body can suffer in many ways. Your body will be impacted and can cause you to suffer from injuries and vitamin deficiencies. 

If you suffer an injury from working out, you will have to stop and take weeks off for your body to repair itself. This can cause you to gain weight again. You can become disheartened or even depressed as you feel your challenging work was for nothing. If you suffer from a vitamin deficiency other part of your body can start to suffer. You can notice things like your hair falling out, teeth rotting away and issues with your skin. This can again cause depression and impact your way of thinking negatively.  

What help is there if you have been suffering? 

Whilst you are suffering with your weight you or others around you may notice it has become unhealthy and offer you help. You can get help by going to your local GP, they may have to refer you for some extra support. Cognitive behavioural therapy is a proven way to help people suffering with their negative views on themselves. It changes how you think to a more positive way of thinking. If you have been suffering for a long time due to bullying it may take more of sessions. Bullying over time can cause a person to rewire their brain and start thinking differently. This can have many different emotional impacts. Your brain can tell you things such as not to wear shorter clothing and to stay inside when it is hot. You think you will sweat more and look less attractive.  

The sad reality of being plus size 

Today we are trying to change how we view others to not discriminate by how others look. Unfortunately, this is still being done with plus sized men and women. We did not see the first lingerie plus sized model until 2019. It was as if larger men and women could not wear this type of clothing. Up until recently you have seen plus sized clothing that was outdated and not with the latest fashion trend compared to slim fitted clothes. Still to this day larger women and men have their own section of clothing. This can make them feel alienated. 

If you were to take a wonder to the plus size range in many stores the sizing starts at around UK ladies 14. Most sizing in normal clothing goes up to size 12 but the average lady in the UK is a size 14. So how can it be plus sized if the average person is that size? When measuring clothing it goes off your body mass index (BMI). By using your BMI to measure the size of your clothing it is implying one size fits all. This is not the case and can cause someone unnecessary destress as one size does not fit all categories, and everybody is different. 

Are things improving for plus size people? 

In a short answer yes, they are indeed. Society today now sees a lot more of plus size people on television and even plus sized manikins wearing plus sized clothing. We see adverts for a range of plus size clothing that is with the latest trends compared to the decades before. There is no struggle to find plus size clothing that is identical to smaller sizes. We are starting to notice people are more accepting to larger and plus size clothing due to less body shaming. There are less bodily comparisons now and are people are becoming more accepting and loving towards their bodies, big or small. Times are changing, people are becoming more accepting to all diverse types of bodies and learning that all bodies are different. Plus, sized, and slim fit now feel as though they are united.  

There is now a range of plus sized items to get them through the warmer weather. Chafing creams are extremely popular in the warmer weather. For those that need it they can find it in most retailers. TikTok a social media platform that has lot of helpful tips for plus sized people to overcome the summer weather. Cool sprays, deodorant used in places you sweat, and clothing hacks are just many of the tips on there to help. 

By doing these little steps, plus sized people can start to become less self-conscious over their bodies. Begin to love themselves and the way they look. Depression and anxiety due to the warmer weather can also become less likely. Plus, sized people can start to embrace their bodies and be healthy without attempting dangerous diets and exercises. 

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