Mental Wellbeing Network

Back to School and work

Going back to school or work can be a stressful time. There is much to think about such as getting things organised, getting back into a routine, the stress of being at work or school, dealing with classmates or colleagues that you may not have a good relationship with. This can be a stressful time for a lot of people; however, you are not alone with this feeling, this is a feeling a lot of people go through. Starting a new job or school can also be stressful as you do not know what to expect. Just remember to be as prepared as you can and enjoy the experience.  

Getting things organised

Being prepared is key for starting a new job or school or just even going back after some time off. Do not leave everything till the last minute. Give yourself time to get any work done you may need for when you go back or any new stationary or equipment you may need, this is easily done by making it a priority a couple of weeks before your starting date. Remember to tick off the things you have got when you have them, this way you will easily be able to see what you need and what you still need to get.  

Getting back into a routine

While you have been off work or school you may have fallen out of your routine, this is okay. You just need to work towards getting back into it. Sleeping in is the biggest throw off when you are not at work or school. With all the Christmas craziness going on you have most probably made a mess of your sleeping schedule. To prepare yourself for early mornings again it is a clever idea to start a few days before your first day. Start getting an early night, waking up at a decent time even if you still have days off. 

Going back to school and work poster. person looking up towards books and pencils.

Dealing with classmates or colleagues

In life you will come across people who you do not necessarily have a good relationship with. They might not have a good relationship with you and that is okay, you are not going to be friends with everyone you meet. Usually, you would just remove yourself from their company or they would do the same. Being in a school or workplace environment this can be a bit harder as you cannot remove yourself from the situation. The best option would be to stay out of each others way. However you can only do your part for your own piece of mind. If it is a school setting, tell your teacher you do not get along. They could be help by changing the seating plan. In a work environment it will be up to you to stay out of each other’s way, as you are not in school anymore. 

Going back to school and work can be a stressful time. Remember to look after yourself mentally before going back and do not let yourself get too worked up. The first push is always there hardest and you will be back into your routine in no time.  

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