Mental HealthResources

Attachment and what is does to people psychologically (Readability)

3 Mins read

How does it affect mental health ?

Relationships referring to Friends parents even pads spouse children loved ones

Attachment first begins in the early stages when we’re learning to bond with our parents from childbirth.

the thought of being taken away or disassociating ourselves from our parents is scary thought, as we can’t depend on ourselves for the basic needs from a young age.

Physically,mentally,emotionally, we learn attachment from a young age, that’s why at some point in our life we will all go through a form of attachment.

Negative side of attachments and how it psychologically effects? 

Initial bond at birth 

Then we begin to form relationships with people as a child in school. Primary stages of our lives children tend to get upset about being away from their parents. Typically the mother, as they have that instant bond they throw tantrums and are very vocal about their feelings. 

Attachment is often perceived as something toxic unhealthy habit that is learnt at birth. Why do you think it is negative ? Most commonly as many people could use this against someone and turn it into an abuse. Who is not capable of dissociating themselves with the person emotionally this is seen in many forms of  toxic relationships.

This creates the idea that you must be dependent on a person or even an object to function the longer you are in this state is also going to make the chances of improving worse.

It often does more damage than good as you will also see yourself in a constant cycle going from numerous relationships with the same habit.

The mind is conditioned in this way as you age she gets harder to break if you don’t unlearn these behaviors. It’s like mentally you’re enslaving yourself conditioning yourself into one state without seeing the damage.

Tune another person to seek comfort validation and just dependency in general.

Different types of attachments 

secure attachment

This type of attachment is found when typically children show distress when their caregiver leaves. There present signs that attachment begins in the earlier stages of life from that bond with caregiver typically infant/toddler. 

anxious-insecure attachment

Often there are times where they don’t feel safe in the relationship they also need a lot of reassurance/validation from their partner. They have lost the security they feel as though the relationship could end at any moment.

A lot of anxiety around being laugh and especially when boys being dependent on this person which is mentally enslaving conditioning yourself to thinking that way.

E.g of reassurance a partner may want a phone call but their spouse may not pick up so they begin to build different scenarios in their head that are negative. That’s where the anxiety lingers.

avoidant-insecure attachment

Feels overwhelmed by relationship tends to withdraw in then one may feel 

Suffocated by their partner and afternoons with a full time away from my partner will take longer periods when contacting people in any type of relationship. However For the other party could be frustrating to try and pursue someone who shows that they are being avoidant

my suggestion

To break a habit is to unlearn down to make it difficult. Learning bad habits and creating new ones and making the bad habits harder to you.

So how can we apply this book and what can we learn from this and how can we apply this spoke to every day life this is just one of the many examples detachment you, first find the root of it and why are you saying what the person does what about you do have to you

Who to reach out to ?

why do you act in such manner talk trusted friend about this and you could also Know how your life role is revolving around an individual.

That would also like make an attachment worse you must have different things is going on in life keeping you busy and half you schedule is also good and that’s even attachment is very toxic then that.

This will be your cue want to give you the strength own self-respect or land some sort of love is maybe when the child was young.

from a young age of a trial for instance so choose for something another person this usually topic here.

oftentimes means as a young child neglect or they will always used to being in the state of being wanted.

when it’s gone day or on sure how to front tomorrow.

Something new to them new to them it is good to practice habits while you’re young as when you’re older it’s harder to unlearn these same habits.

like you are slave to someone else as they perhaps give you comfort and sense of belonging this even could be down to manipulative behaviours that’s scientists suggest.

Finally thoughts

the idea of attachment is also loosing your freedom to something or someone not having freedom over your mind or physically.

you’re not through and that in its self is an indicator for why attachment is a negative there.

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