Mental HealthResources

Atomic habits

3 Mins read

James, the clear author of bestselling atomic habits, sold millions of copies world wide how to make clear message good habits and unlearn bad ones. This is more than a self development book; it changes the way you think and also questions the little actions you take. 

Mental well-being all about what you plant in your mind. These mental exercises with practice and engagement can be transformative it is proven that as you age it is much harder to undergo change. Especially with habits as the mind has been used to that state it is much harder to break of the habit.

This is a good recommended for growing the mind and gaining knowledge that all good for us mentally why we Conroe to grow and make mistakes 

Books feature different testimonials/stories of how it got them to the level of success they are out now from sport artists to the top comedians and how lessons such as being consistent in your good habits takes you a long way. 

Main rules in the book that you apply to problems 

Habit make it desirable attractive 

Quote author “these small changes will have a transformative effect on your career, your relationships and your life”. 

It is not the motivation, it is in fact discipline and the willingness to continue to have moments where you’re losing interest no longer seeing massive improvements but the discipline keeps you going that is the difference between the amateur and pro is what sportsmen stated when giving his testimonials in the book. 

Working on habits is not only a form of self care but improves the way you deal with others and how you think that self-improvement being the better version for yourself. A good attribute to have that willingness also it goes as deep as breaking generational curses by unlearning bad habits behaviours can go deep.

Behavioural change affects those around you as well as yourself. 

The power of 1% changes compound interest of self- improvement 

The power of compounding can have a positive or negative effect in some cases if we leave over a period of time if we get 1% better every day at the end of the year we will end of 37.5% times better by the end of the year 

We don’t normally see impact on that day but with time the impact can be enormous in a society where seeking instant gratification is the vast majority it is much harder to stick to the things offering long term benefits 

Screw goals focus on systems instead 

“Winners and losers want the same goal. it cannot be the goal that defernites people”. “Goal is a momentary change”.

Identity change rather than outcome 

The book then refers to behavioural change we have outcome on the outside processes identity related to our below. “The infiltrate moot station when a habit become part of our identity” outcomes. Results we only solve them temporarily but for long term result at the system level we need to change our identity 

How habits shape your identity for e.g many love the idea of being the best version of themselves so they develop habits to reinforce what they want to achieve these habits shape them being the kind of person they want to be a better newer identity. By making this your identity. this will be the person you become. 

Break down of the few steps on how to develop good habits of sticking to any habit 

Make it obvious where you are going to do it and how you’re going to do it if your system hasn’t defined a clear system of what a habit is supposed to be. Setting specific requirements that give you a very clear bare minimum instead. “I will be more vegetables”. “I will eat at least one serving of vegetables that isn’t fries during lunch on every day but Sunday” the idea is that it makes it harder to cheat yourself and more obvious maybe even try recording your steps track your habits.

Make it attractive is also could be fused with habit stacking could some prep or make the environment clean or lay things out for the next morning which also relates to making things easy.

  “You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results”.

Make it satisfying

“Because of how we are wired for most people will spend all day chasing quick hits of satisfaction” bundling short term reward with the long term reward.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems”

In fact with the willingness to learn and implement these four rules and systems it is not only a self-improvement but a life. changing books.

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