Anxiety is a feeling of fear about what’s going to happen. For example, feeling anxious on the first day of school, going to do a job interview, or giving a speech. Some people may have social anxiety. They tend to feel fearful and nervous around a crowd of people.
If it is severe and ongoing, and interfering with your life, there’s a possibility of anxiety disorder. Anxiety is a feeling that comes and go, while anxiety disorder is a fear that it will be with you at all times. Unless you can be motivated to work harder and do a better job.
This intense disorder may stop you from doing things you enjoy. In worse cases, it will cause you not to enter the elevator, go up or down the escalators, cross the road, or even leaving your home. If you are left untreated by someone or something, it will keep getting worse.
There are many types of anxiety. For example, panic disorder, phobia, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (also known as PTSD), and many more.
You tend to overthink, heart is beating fast, and having butterflies in your stomach. But there are other ways of people experiencing anxiety, including nightmares, panic attacks, and troublesome thoughts and memories that you cannot control.
There are symptoms of Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Such as, increased heart rate, heavy breathing, restlessness, unable to focus, and difficulty falling asleep. It is extremely important to know all the symptoms because people go through different symptoms.

Anxiety Attack
Anxiety attack is when you feel worried, afraid, distressed, and feel like you can’t breathe. As from my own experience, I know what it feels like. For some people, this attack can slowly build up and it may get worse when it comes to a stressful situation.
Anxiety attacks don’t happen to everyone because there are many symptoms that people may not have. They could change any time. However, panic attack and anxiety attack share similar symptoms, but are not the same.
Symptoms of anxiety attack includes tend to faint or feel dizzy, shortness of breath, dry mouth, sweating, chills or hot flashes, worry, restlessness, distress, fear, and feeling numb.
What could you do to prevent?
There can be an effective way to relieve some of the symptoms. Most of the natural remedies you should try to care for your body and mind. Especially, taking part in healthy activities.
These include, meditation, healthy diet, staying active and exercise, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and quit smoking. You should also try sleep meditation or sleep hypnosis to help you get enough sleep.
Use these lifestyle changes in a positive way for prevention or treatment.
If you are struggling with any of the symptoms mentioned or you know someone who is struggling, please visit our Contact page where you will find a range of Helplines you can contact with for help and support. Also have a look at our Getting Help page on how you or someone can get the help you need.