Everyone is familiar with sport. It can be something you watch, play, or train in, to compete. It has a ton of different benefits, and in some cases, you can use your hobbies or careers to stay close with the sport. However, there are a lot of people who are not interested in sport. In this article, I will be showing you why you are missing out!
Getting involved in any sport introduces so many options to communicate with different people, whose interests align with yours. This gives countless opportunities to make friends, share opinions, and interact with different people. One of the biggest examples of this is football. In schools, a lot of kids make friends with each other due to them following the same football teams, or following rival teams, giving space for competition between each other. This indicates that getting into a sport could lead to countless interactions with people. Especially football in the UK, as it is a sport which most people are passionate about, and popular.
A lot of radios also give a lot of attention to sport, and ask fans of different teams, and people their opinions. This develops into discussions and shows how passionate people are about their sport. There are even many accounts with a lot of eyes on them that discuss different sports and share their opinion. The reception can be good, bad, and ugly, but there are a lot of chances of interacting with different people and sharing perspectives.
Therefore, no matter what sport you develop an interest in, there are always different ways to meet different people, and things to talk about that you have an interest in.
Getting involved more
Most sports are broadcasted and have a good amount of viewership in them. The bigger the sport gets, the more it is promoted and expanded upon. This would mean you have a lot more chances to find a job in that field, keeping you close to the sport even while working. If you are luckier, you may find one that coincides with your career/hobby. For example, you may be into photography, and you could find a space where you have to use these skills, by filming the game. The is the same for construction (building arenas and stadiums). Being able to do what you love, and also watch what you love would be a dream come true!
Also, in all sports, there are roles like analysts, pundits, referees, judges, commentators, for those who watch their sport more strategically. If you like to break down the sport, rather than simply just watch it, then there are areas in this you could work in as well. This is beneficial to casual fans, and those who are trying to understand what is going on.
The final, and more practical way is coaching, or even competing. This is better as you are now directly involved in the sport. Whether it is coaching someone different skills, or learning them yourself, you are training something you love, whilst making a living off of it. A lot of people who do not compete directly themselves, but are knowledgeable about a sport, could open gyms, and host training sessions to aid those who want to participate.
Therefore, there are many ways you can try to get more involved with the sport you prefer. This is also whilst making money out of it, and experience.

With sports, there are so many things you could enjoy, making it one of the most universal things. It could be a favourite player, team, a favourite knockout, goal, win, or style. For example, a sport like mixed martial arts could attract so many people, for so many varied reasons. For example, one person might tune in to support his favourite fighter, the style of the matchup. You may watch it to see a knockout, or to break down the fight. This applies for every sport, as there are so many factors that will entice you to watch.
Focussing more on teams, and individuals now, there are many ways you attach yourself to a player or team. By this I mean, you may love your favourite player/team so much, you share the emotions through victory and defeat. This is the beauty of getting into sport, as a fan, as it shows how much you are invested in something you may have never seen, or met, yet you root for them, and they acknowledge it, without ever seeing you.
In conclusion, we have seen that there are many benefits of being involved in sport. Firstly, getting into sport opens so many opportunities to meet new people, and share your thoughts with the public. This is good as it is a way of making friends and interacting with people with similar interests as you. Also, making an account designated to that sport, could lead to more of that audience interacting with you. This means you can share your perspectives, and post videos/pictures to entertain that audience.
The second way was being able to work in a proximity towards a sport you like. For example, being a cameraman, official, or a coach, there are so many ways to be attached to the action whilst making a living out of it. This will give you a passion for your job and will maintain a strong connection to the sport.
Finally, to enjoy it for what it is. Primarily, sport was invented for entertainment, and it delivers nothing less. There are so many different things that can capture your attention, and make you enjoy the experience. Also, following a team or athlete will also lead to an increased passion in the sport and could even motivate you.
Therefore, the ability to watch and be in tune with different sports, is one of the most underused luxuries. This is because of the sheer number of memories, moments, and people it has bought with it, and it would be unfair for someone to not be a part of it. You are seriously missing out if you are not getting into sport!