Negative, Positive, Problem-focused And Emotion-Focused coping tactics.
Introduction on coping tactics
This article will be introducing you to the different coping tactics used to manage stress more efficiently.
A few aspects of these mechanisms are mentioned in the Religious Education and Religious Coping article, it may be worth the while to explore the articles.
Coping mechanisms are our way of ensuring control over our emotions towards stressful and tricky situations. This is so that we do not become overwhelmed by the situations we are experiencing.
Coping has more to do with the mind and our emotions than with our bodies. However, there are some solutions offered involving the usage of your body (e.g., stretching or yoga), to alleviate emotional discomfort.

Positive And Negative Coping Techniques
Coping skills come in two forms: positive and negative.
Positive coping mechanisms locates the problems and attempts to remedy it. It is gentler to the body and mind. It is seen as a long-term process to a healthier mind and body.
Negative coping can be said to be troublesome.
Negative coping mechanisms are used by the individual to avoid the situation they are facing. It can be understood as an abrasive way to deal with the situation.
People who are inclined to use negative coping techniques, tend to avoid the problems. They may feel that positive solutions offered are negligible at best. These individuals are inclined to believe in quick fixes rather than long term plans.
Negative coping allows its users an immediate effect that reduces negative emotions like stress, instantly, and is why a majority would be tempted by these methods. However, there are reasons as to why it is called negative.
Some examples of negative coping are smoking in excess, drinking alcohol in abundance, high on caffeine and fatigued throughout the day.
An ‘immediate’ effect that can result in the decline of overall health, which has just a short-term effect. It does not sound so appealing, especially when there is a time limit to its use.
Positive coping is quite the opposite. Though it is not seen as an instant remedy, it does not cause problems to the mind and body. It is also a long-term solution, which benefits a person overall. This is because the exercises and instructions for positive coping, improves a person’s resilience, so that if such situations were to occur again, they would be able to deal with the situation more efficiently.

Problem-focused And Emotion-focused Techniques
Coping techniques can be further broken down into two categories: Problem-focused techniques and Emotion-focused.
We can vaguely understand what each category entails from its name.
Problem-focused, as the name suggests, means to identify the cause of your stress, and rectify it by modifying or eliminating the cause through your own actions. In short terms, taking physical action to reduce your stress.
An example of this is, taking yourself out of the situation or asking for advice on a problem that is causing you distress.
Emotion-focused coping involves managing your emotions rather than attempting to deal with what is causing the discomfort. In short terms, building up resilience towards tough situations by adjusting your emotions and mindset against stress.
Some examples of emotion-focused coping strategies are: meditating, listening to music, reading, stretching, and even watching TV.
You should be made aware that problem-focused and emotion-focused techniques can be divided into positive and negative coping mechanisms as well.
It is beneficial to remember the effects that positive and negative coping mechanisms have on the body and mind.
It will make you ask yourself; what course of action is more beneficial to you as a whole?
If you would more information and advice, please visit our Getting Help and Self-care pages.