Exercise more
Exercising is so important for your physical health. However, it does wonders for your mental health too. If you exercise already that is great. If you, do not you should try joining a gym or club. This should be a time for you to unwind from all the stresses of the day and have some time to collect your thoughts. While getting fit physically, getting active will release endorphins in your body and make you feel loads better!
Sleep more
Sleeping is so important! A recommended 7-8 hours of sleep a night is perfect for adults. Younger people may need more sleep as they are in the developing stage. Sleep is known to reduce stress, the same as exercise. Sleeping does not take away the stress, but just helps you to be able to deal with it better. A less stressed mind is a happy mind! So, get your sleep.
Move closer to work
Nothing worse than starting your day with a stressful journey to work. By moving closer, you can eliminate any change of you being stressed before you even enter work. It is important for you to start your day how you would like it to pan out. If you start off a day with stress the rest of your day could be stressful. If you start your day off productively and calmly that is how you should continue your day.
Spend time with friends and family
Being social and spending time with loved ones can improve your mental health. Surrounding yourself with love and laughter is going to do wonders. However, do not force a relationship with anyone. If someone is not a good person to you and gives off bad energy, it is okay to cut them off. Do not just be friends with people for the sake of it. If they are not adding anything to your life, then do not worry about them. Focus on yourself. Your own company will aways be better than bad company.
Go outside
Sun light is essential for your mental wellbeing. It helps many things such as production of vitamin D, helps bone health, lowers blood pressure, prevents diseases, and promotes good mental health. You should do this by having a 10 minuet sit outside or going for a walk. 5-10 minutes a day is all you need to feel more mindful and energised.
Meditation has been around for many years. It is known for improving focus clarity and attention span. Meditation can be hard and is not something you will be able to do first time. It takes concertation and practice. It is recommended to start off with a couple of minutes at a time and then as you get better at it then you should increase the time.
Plan a trip
Planning a trip for the future and not just going on one can actual be more satisfying and encouraging then booking a last-minute trip. Having the thought throughout your day that in a few weeks’ time you will be jetting off to a hot country will give you motivation. Having something to look forward too is important because without it you can easily get stuck in a rut. When life gets repetitive you can start to get depressed. It is good for the mind to change things up sometimes and give yourself a break when you need it.