How to Find Yourself A Therapist

What is therapy?
Therapy is used to improve overall health. There are numerous types of therapy available, depending on the issue.
Everyone has their own issues, and none are the same. This also means that not all therapy types are compatible with all people.
Talking therapy, is a treatment that focuses on improving your mental and emotional health, through psychological means.
This therapy is designed to identify mental health problems, and tries to remedy them. Therapists can identify the issues and suggest ways to help with them.

Why therapy?
Therapy is quite scary to most, and we can see why.
Therapy can be seen as the first step to improving health.
Taking the first step is hard, as we are afraid to be judged, and we can feel embarrassed that we need the help.
However, there is no need to feel embarrassed or scared. The steps you take, does not mean that you are weak-minded, it means you have the courage to do something about your issues.
Talking to a therapist can be scary. A therapist is usually a stranger, so it is understandable to feel uncomfortable at first. After a few sessions, it can be easier to talk to them. Therapists go through training and obtain experience, so are qualified.
Sometimes, talking to a therapist is better than talking to a friend, or to a family member. They can understand things that your family and friends do not. A therapist is also a good listener.
There are many ways to find a professional therapist.
GP – Doctor
A good place to start would be your doctor, or medical surgery.
It is a familiar place and doctor, which means you have a level of trust with them.
Talking to your doctor allows them to understand your situation and worries, enabling them to suggest the next steps you could take.
It is likely they will refer you to a third-party organisation, which has expertise in the field of your issue.
The NHS is another common name, known in the UK.
A free public healthcare system available to all in the United Kingdom. It is a health service that has gathered the trust of many.
NHS work with physical and mental health issues that all experience.
They have a service called Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), which concentrates on mental health and therapy.
Some healthcare services allow you to book an appointment yourself. You can contact them directly, to arrange a time with a therapist.
Information can be found at your doctor surgery, or the NHS.
Reliable Online Database
Numerous mental health services keep their information updated on online platforms.
By typing your postcode in the search engine of the database, it allows you to view licensed therapists, or organisations around your area. You can also narrow your search by the subject of therapy.
Local Resources
The community you reside in may have resources available for you to use.
As a student, you may have access to a counsellor, or counselling centre.
An employee will be given a list of therapists available. There are also employee programs available.
E.g., The Employee Assistance Programme, can allow a limited number of free therapy sessions.
Third Party Organisations and Charities
These organisations and charities can offer low-cost to free therapy sessions.
Different organisations focus on different areas of concerns.
By narrowing your search, you will find organisations whose expertise lie in that subject area.
Online / Digital Therapy / Health Apps
There are some organisations that offer online therapy, if you are uncomfortable speaking to another in person.
This is also beneficial, if it is inconvenient to leave home, or travel to your therapist.
Some of these services have health apps that you can directly download onto your phone.
Some sites may not employ professional therapists. You should ask some questions regarding their therapy, to determine if you should carry through with it.
Searching about online safety, will help secure your safety and privacy online.
Private Therapies
These can be expensive, so the majority would avoid this option.
You should use a reliable website to find professional therapists, who have both the training and experience.
E.g., The Counselling Directory.
Your Goals, Your Choice
You should think about how you want to achieve your goals.
Some people, who think that medicines will help control their symptoms, would look for a psychiatrist or practitioner who can prescribe you medicines.
Others prefer a support network, as there are group sessions, rather than individual ones. They would look for a therapist who is active in support groups.
There are also therapists who use specialised treatment approaches, like cognitive behavioural therapy, which solve issues in the present, instead of the past.
Comfort Level
An important criterion, for finding your therapist, is your comfort level with your chosen therapist.
Feeling uncomfortable is standard when you begin therapy. It may be because your therapist is unfamiliar to you.
However, if you keep experiencing this feeling and are unable to relax, it may be better to look for a different therapist.
If you would like more information and would like to speak to someone, please visit the Contact page.